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Volvo Autodelta B7R removal

2,007 yesBeams  7 months ago

this is yesBeams, and yes i have to remove the mod of volvo autodelta b7r since i have to rework it a bit and also having the auto credit. if you have the original mod, you may wait till i reworked it. thank you for installing my modded mod!


Q: How about the 1k silver special?
A: I also have to like, rework the whole screenshot and teaser so the possible things are may be delayed or still be still the same.

final answer: i delayed the 1k silver special because of the autodelta b7r rework. possible read the delayed post there.

"yesBeams is the worst maker ever!!1!1!11!!!!1!1!1!!" ok no, what im telling you is i will possibly replan it and will upload the rebirth of autodelta b7r.


thank you for reading this