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[ Teaser ] Trying something new.

48.0k ZeroWithSlashedO  7 months ago

Well, not exactly new per se.

I'm remaking the AEW&C I had made a couple of months ago, now unblockified. And you know, it's just such a glowup.

Comparing it to the old, blocky design, it feels like it's a drastic change. The landing gear, the engine, hell, even the airframe itself. I know the original is a blocky aircraft, and it's not that comparable but seriously. This is one massive change.

I mean, just compare the images above, to this.

Look at how much different it is! Like, sheesh.

But, yeah. Just something I've been wanting to do. I might make a proper airline version of it, or even a tanker variant.

And once again, no I am not putting cockpit details on.