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Leonidas1210vc's Creations and News

736 Leonidas1210  8.4 years ago

Here I will post what i'm currently working on, Info on my creations, and so on so on.

Also Note that i don't rely on the Q and E controls a lot or at all, so if you rely on them be warned that my creations(mostly aircraft) are fitted to my play style.

Acronyms-(incase you didn't know)
TJE: Two Jet engine
FBE: Four Blasto Engine
ASV: Anti Structure Vehicle; Land and Sea Based vehicles design to destroy structures
SED: Sabotage and Espionage- Design to primarily gather intelligence.
HAWS: High Altitude Weapons System; Missiles, Satellites, Sub Orbit weapons
GSF: Ground Support Fighter
MASC: Marine Assault, Support, Cargo- Ships/Boats, Submersibles, Amphibious vehicles and Sea Planes.
VTOL: Vertical Take-Off and Landing
SFA: Special Functions Aircraft- Aircraft that have special, sometimes unique functions/features.
ACE: Crafts Awarded to the best pilots, unique and overall better crafts
ASA: Aircraft Specialized for destroy Sea vessels.
ACV: Armored Combat Vehicles
RBA: Rotary Blade Aircraft
SJE: Single Blasto Engine Aircraft

Special Function Types


What i'm doing now:

 Thinking of new designs
 Posting Un-posted designs

Newest Design--

MASC Catamarina

MASC Catamarina Jet

MASC- Storm Strider

SJE Intercept Vulture

TJE Phonetic B

Have any questions or criticism about any of my creations be free to comment below.