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Origins of Hasya Republic

2,254 137CountryBall  9 months ago

hey guys,its PH137 and were now storytime!!!!! this time is origin of my country hasya republic. so take your seat get your drink and chips enjoy the storytelling,with that LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOO

on 1970,there a Indonesian man named Kobi Sutopi Setiawan which His dream was become politician to try conquer the world.

and its true on 2006 has planned to raid a place named Kertajati and Majalengka.

but it halted there some stronk military Indonesia which is 7th place strongest country in asia. and war has started. the war during 4 year and some city like Jakarta,yogyakarta,Surabaya,and dream city aka bali,and the nearest is Bandung has started emergency broadcast to get to bunker immediately.

and fate of aftermath Indonesia finally lose and hasya Republic wins on 2010. and that hasya Republic was formed.

Kertajati was renamed into hasya city and Majalengka renamed as north hasya. sadly the man almost reach its dream,Kobi Sutopi Setiawan must lose his dream because he's dead due to cancer and the New President is PH137 until now. and hasya Republic the economy and enviroment was stable very very stable (very surely) and among the Asia hasya Republic joined asean on 10 March 2017 become a 11th member before East Timor joined asean in 22 november 2022.and in fact Hasya Republic also most busiest airport named "H.C.I.A or Hasya City International Airport" was ranked most busiest airport in Asia after losing Beijing Capital international airport. and hasya Republic does have its airline,Jazz Air.And military on Hasya Republic is.. 10th place yea kinda 10th place. for the language is bahasa Indonesia and English. THE END

thank you for hearing this story