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Weapon customization

12.5k KnightOfAraluen  8.4 years ago
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    @Sirstupid If they do this, it could be fun for them. You are never forced to do it. It is sort of like a difficulty level in a game. Setting the difficulty higher is a fun challenge. Making weapons less powerful could also be a fun challenge.

    8.4 years ago
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    9,180 LT556

    @TheTMac Then people would make tons of OP crazy stuff.

    8.4 years ago
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    I think there should be one missile, one gun, and one bomb. The missile pod should stay, but still be customizable. You should be able to customize them however you like.
    Missile- you would set the power, range, air or ground, lock on type, and lock on ease.
    Bomb- you would set the weight, which is really the only thing to change, as heavier bombs tend to be more powerful.
    Guns-you could change the amount of barrels, the fire rate/spin rate(for multiple barrels), overheat time, and amount of damage.
    Missile Pod- you could set the amount of missiles, power of each, travel time, accuracy, and fire rate.
    This is just an opinion, so don`t be offended by anything on here. It is my own personal suggestions, but if you have a different idea, please comment.

    8.4 years ago
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    9,180 LT556


    8.4 years ago