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I’m taking a break from simpleplanes

6,758 CooperFilms001  11 months ago

Hello guys

I am gonna take a break from simpleplanes. The reason is… well… it’s too “simple”

I will be switching to a game called “flyout”

If you don’t know what that is, there is a good youtube channel called Messier82AC that is all about flyout

I’ll still be active on the simpleplanes website, however, i will not be making any more aircraft for a while

I just find it better to create aircraft on flyout, and it feels more rewarding. My GlideLite model 55X hasn’t been getting as much attention as it was worth for how long i spent making it.

So, another reason why i’ll be leaving for a bit for very personal mental/physical problems

Thank you guys for all your support!

-CooperFilms 001