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Suggestions for Simpleplanes (Revised)

4,822 ZacOnTrack  one year ago

So...I already did one of these...and got torn apart (Kinda). So being a masochist with no are a few ideas for Simpleplanes I would love. So of these a parts, some are new XML codes, some are features and other miscellaneous crap.

These are roughly in order in how much I want these

  1. Player-created scenarios: I saw a few suggestions of this nature, but having a sort of scenario creator, allowing players to create missions using current assets, and I saw one person (Walv!s), suggest allowing for these to be uploaded to the SP website, which would be cool, as you could build an aircraft to fit the scenario. I know there are in game scenarios, but they are a bit easy, and mod-missions are simply to few to really be any meaningful impact. This will also breathe some life into the game, as the building aspect of the game (Which is what Simpleplanes relies on) does get a bit dull, if there is no goal to meet.

  2. More weapon types (More specifically more munitions with different guidance types): So there are a few munitions in Simpleplanes. There are FOX-1 and FOX-3 Air-to-Air missiles. This is in addition to dumb bombs and rockets, and guided AGMs. These are ok. What I am really longing are guided bombs. Now before I get told, I know it is possible to make guided bombs, and on a plane I am making I have....but I would really like dedicated parts to them, mainly because the pre-existing method is a bit clunky and isn't perfect (Mainly, you can't get rid of the missile sound effect or the exhaust plume, although with the latter, you can scale the missile down a bit, but that can create issues of it's own). What I really want, are the addition of TV and laser guided bombs and missiles. I guess how this could work is, you could put the required parts on your plane, and in the game, you could go into say, a laser designator/TV camera view, and designate what you want to hit. This could come for both missiles and bombs, and I would love it. The current system is...dull, but it does work, and I am not saying the if it comes, it be removed, as it could be a good way for newer players to get used to weapons.

  3. Cockpit screens: Screens that could be added to cockpits, which could display radar pictures, camera views (I.e., if you have custom camera on your plane, you could set it so these screens display the camera's view on the screen). These could be changed in size, shape, resolution, etc., and would be awesome for cockpits.

  4. More gauges/gauges options. This one is a bit simple, more gauges for cockpits, such as G-indicators, more engine gauges (Such as engine temp, engine torque, EPR gauges etc.), as well as options for existing gauges. One of my main ones was the ability to make steam gauges that can measure Supersonic (Or even hypersonic) speeds, and maybe even the ability for Mach indicators to be put in these speed dials. Altimeters could have the option to be in different style altimeters (Such as Clock style, or Drum-Pointer style), and the ADI gauge could be given the option to be in a Western style (Where the indicator stays stationary, and the background moves), or a Eastern style (Where the background stays stationary, but the indicator moves). Right now you don't even have an indicator by default, you have to add one yourself which annoying. Also the ability to change the label in the gauges. For example, people often uses VTOL for flaps. It'd be nice if you could take the VTOL gauge, and change the word 'VTOL', with 'FLAPS'.

  5. Thermals and IR Guided missiles: This is a bit self explanitory, but thermal cameras, either as separate parts or as an option in existing cameras (With options for stuff like resolution for you tank weirdos). This could be cool for tank builders, or building targeting pods for jets. The second vein of this is IR guided (FOX-2) Air-to-Air missiles. For this to work, engines could be model to output heat (Which I am HIGHLY recommending be manipulatable by the player, such as the heat output, and whether an engine puts out heat at all). These missiles could simply lock on to this, maybe playing some form of audio tone, like rl, then be fired.

  6. Radar: A bit simple. A revamped radar system to replace/complement the existing system (Although I would recommend keeping the current system, as some players may use it to get used to the game). Players could put in a 'Radar' part, and then toggle various options, such as radar modes, radar tracking power etc., and then use it in game. This could be in addition to new missiles, although this isn't required.

  7. Tone generation: Basically, you could set it so certain parts output certain tones, or have a 'Tone generator part'. This could be used to create cockpit warnings, change engine or gun sounds, etc.

  8. The ability for a player to choose which fuel tanks fuel a certain engine. Basically, a player could click on an engine, and choose what fuel tanks it draws fuel from. This could use a similar interface to how you decide what wheels are driven by car engines.

  9. RWR: An RWR part.

New XML parts:
-Current Lock status: Are you being locked by an enemy or not
-Current Lock direction: Where are you being locked from
-Current Target locking: What is locking you (Aircraft, AA vehicle etc.)
*These would be for RWR parts
-Part output sound True/False: Does a part generate noise
-Missile exhaust scale: What size exhaust plume for missiles (If at all)

This an incomplete list, and my own opinion. Please include extra suggestions in the comments, and provide feedback

Disclaimer: Ik the SP dev team is small, and there capabilities are somewhat limited, so I am not expecting all of these to magically be added tomorrow, but overtime, these would be nice.