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Help with Blueprints

430 GoofyAhhUser  1.2 years ago

Whenever I try replicating some aircraft by using blueprints, I tend to trace the blueprint as accurately as I can and even then, the plane's fuselage gets all bumpy even with smooth fromt & back on. the pattern is roughly similar to that of how dropping something in a body of water creates these circular waves around it.

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    @PlaneFlightX They are, Each fuselage is connected properly, it's something to do with their slight differences in height and width, though it's difficult to balance out the dimensions while still maintaining the original design

    +1 1.2 years ago
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    46.6k PlaneFlightX

    Are the fuselages connected correctly? Smoothing relies on connections and tries to match the textures.

    +1 1.2 years ago