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The Battle of Two Nations **~``[STINGRAY V TEASER]``~**

31.2k IceCraftGaming  1.5 years ago

In [REDACTED], a new, rather strange looking jet aircraft prepares to take off from [REDACTED] air base with a pilot famously known by the airbase as "ICY". After taking off, "ICY" does some maneuvers to test the aircraft's capabilities when he detects something rather strange on the radar…

An unknown aircraft appeared on the horizon where "ICY '' conducts his new aircraft test. It flies alone, no wingman, no squadron, all alone. Without any warning, it opens its weapon bay and fires a missile. Surprised, "ICY" immediately rolled his aircraft and deployed several flares. The missile missed and the unknown aircraft flew past him. He can see the glimpse of that aircraft, a pilotless, dark blue colored with red wing, and with Obelia Empire insignia on its wing.

Shocked by the encounter, ICY communicates with his base, "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!", only receiving static afterwards...
Having no instructions from base, ICY charges at the red-winged hostile with the 2 experimental missiles he has on his wings. "FOX 2" announces the bamboozled pilot to his blackbox, the missile fires, but unfortunately, the hostile doges it. "Damn it! What are you?!" screams ICY as he detects a missile locking onto him. Now acting only on fight or flight instincts, ICY pulls back the joystick as hard as he can as his life depended on it. In doing so however, he pulled over 8Gs for 10 seconds, only hanging onto his consciousness with his G-suit and adrenaline.
The red winged hostile keeps following every extreme maneuver like It's not affected by high G-Force. The weapon bay opened once more and another missile launched, "DAMN IT...", ICY screamed as his plane tried to evade the missile. Flares deployed and the missile missed again. He performs a Post Stall Maneuver and manages to get behind the plane, "I got you!" He fires his machine gun and manages to land a few hits on its strange blue cockpit. The plane suddenly stops trying to shoot down ICY, instead it starts doing erratic moves, trying to avoid the lock and gun fires. It's trying to run away from the fight but ICY won't let the unknown hostile away, he aims and locks onto the aircraft, "FOX TWO!" ICY yelled as he launched his missile and hit the aircraft's tail, it started to lose control and finally fell down from the sky."Finally got rid of that thing" said ICY, when suddenly “MISSILE LOCK!”, announces the flight computer as a missile barely misses and flies past ICY. “WHAT?!”, ICY looks back and sees the smoking fuselage of the aircraft he thought he shot down. “Well s*it” said ICY before throttling up to max to try and evade the enemy craft’s missile locks. While doing so, ICY exclaims “I can’t fight that thing with machine guns!” right before getting locked onto again. In an attempt to avoid the missile, ICY pulls up and points his aircraft’s nose cone to the heavens. He deploys his flares to avoid the missile lock.
Unfortunately to no avail, the missile starts catching up to him and blows up right next to his right vertical stabilizer, fatally damaging it. With nothing left to lose, ICY pulls both his joystick and throttle back in order to point his aircraft’s nose onto the enemy craft.

The enemy craft, unfazed, throttles up and starts firing its guns slowly tearing ICY's craft apart. ICY starts doing the same and sends a storm of lead onto the hostile “ghost” craft. Both crafts pass each other at unbelievable speeds. Amazingly not deterred, both ICY and the enemy craft start turning towards each other when suddenly “Heard a lil’ girl screaming somewhere around here, need some backup?”, ICY’s radio chatters. “Rod?” ICY asks, “The one and only” Rod responds, right after launching his AIM-9 missile at the hostile, finally destroying it.

“Get back to base and re-arm, I’ll go hold off any other potential enemies” Rod says to his fellow pilot. “K, see ya in a bit Rod” ICY responds.
“See ya soon,” Rod answered, throttling up. “2 miles, 1.9, 1.8, 1.6, 1.4, 1.1, .9, target coming within visual” Rod’s w.s.o called out as they approached the two unidentified aircraft. “I think I can see them, is-is that a 747?” Was the last thing ICY heard over the radio before static completely took over the channel.
"Rod? Rod?!" "Rod CAN YOU HEAR ME?" ICY throttles up and turns back around right after sending a distress beacon to base. After doing a 180 turn, ICY watches in terror as he sees Red's plane crashes to the ground in a blinding fireball "ROD NOO!". He trains his guns onto the 747 and unleashes a flurry of lead to the enemy craft. ICY detects a missile lock from the 747 and unleashes his flares "Dang it! I'm out!" ICY exclaims after finding out that he's out of flares and nearly out of bullets.

A few seconds later, “MISSILE LOCK” ICY throttles up to max and turns off his aircraft’s AoA limiter, “It's all or nothing now!”. He climbs to an altitude of 60,000 feet and dives onto the fortress of an aircraft, firing all the ammo remaining in his magazine. He watches as the 747 bursts into flames and crashes onto the ground in a loud “BANG”. ICY returns to base reporting the event to his superiors. After doing so, ICY went to Rod’s crash site which was later cleaned up, and a statue of the downed pilot was erected right where Rod had crashed.

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    Rod is Rodriguez by the way, not some knockoff of Red 😅

    Pinned 1.5 years ago
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    @IceCraftGaming Yup! Tag me when you post it

    +1 1.5 years ago
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    @Panzerwaifu69 sure! I'll be releasing my plane any day now. I'll tag you?

    +1 1.5 years ago
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    @IceCraftGaming i have new plane in progress, Maybe I can use yours for It's lore

    +1 1.5 years ago
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    @Panzerwaifu69 yee
    From the rp we made a few months ago

    +1 1.5 years ago
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    @JustDragon aight
    I'll see

    +1 1.5 years ago
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    42.5k phrongus

    not trying to like promote my stuff or anything, but I think it'd be cool if you used some of my TERN vehicles for your rps, especially since they too are fictional

    +3 1.5 years ago
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    Nice lore, happy to see my plane included XD

    +1 1.5 years ago