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the titan dreadnought

6,356 Samfpanzer  1.6 years ago

So I am working a full reconstruction of the DSK-hunter and do that I think I made a new type of dreadnought it like a super dreadnought but way larger around 280 Meters long which is longer than any other super dreadnoughts so what am I calling this new type of dreadnought

Titan dreadnoughts

So what makes a titan dreadnought

  • length of 275 or more meters
  • a Beam of 34 or more meters (beam is the point where the ship is widest)
  • twelve or more main guns minimum of 18 inch's (any Housing design)
  • twenty or more secondary guns minimum of 8 inch’s (any housing design)
  • any amount of case mate guns any caliber above 2 inches
  • heavy Anti-air protection (think of late war Yamato for an idea on AA protection)
  • a weight of 350 metric tons or more
  • one or more Aviation facility (catapult or small runway)
  • An Runway for traditional carrier based aircraft
  • torpedo tubes fixed or rotating
  • deployable torpedo boats
  • mortars

P.S if any one builds a titan dreadnought tag me I want to see what what people are with these guidelines