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What do you want?

11.7k MRM19  1.6 years ago

I currently have a handful of builds just sitting close to completion (within a week or two) and I really don't know what to finish first. I am definitely excited to finish up my B32-8 so hopefully that will come out before anything else but after that I've got a few options...

Now this is where you come in, I can either...

Finish my GP38-2

Build a SD60 in a couple of schemes

Or finally work my passenger car I started 4 months ago...

Let me know what you would like to see even if it's not on this list!

 - Thank you in advance, MRM19
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    42.5k phrongus

    I want a number one supersonic cheeseburger with cheese and mustard only no onions no mayo no pickles no tomatoes or anything just mustard meat and cheese and a large fry with a large sweet tea

    +1 1.6 years ago
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    30.0k Rondine

    i want cocaine (GP38-2)

    +1 1.6 years ago
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    Finish ur emd gp38-2! I would love seeing the lovely livery!

    1.6 years ago