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I have deleted some old builds

260k WinsWings  1.7 years ago

I have deleted more than a dozen old builds and will do more in the future. The reason is I want to leave only the better/notable ones. Still, there are some "ugly" or "not a noteworthy" airplane builds, but I leave them because some got comments, jokes, fun and memorial times between friends/players. Some don't have such sentimental values, but I leave them for my future reference or "re-modeling" staff.

In 8 months, I have posted more than 100 different-looking planes. But I wish my followers have better quality builts and clutter-free posts from me. I hope you all have a better experience.

Long live the Jundroo! :P

This is my very first post in January 2022: "Little-Business-Jet"

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    260k WinsWings

    @Dragoranos Thanks, I was thinking if my posts were too crowded and trying to get rid of "so-so" builts

    1.7 years ago
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    260k WinsWings

    @JesusChrist Thank you for your input. I will not delete them that much or stop deleting them at all

    +1 1.7 years ago
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    26.8k Dragoranos

    Nah, people judge you by your new planes (or the first plane of yours they ever saw)

    Note: according to this philosophy, I'm having a reputation as a bad builder... But that will change in a few days... or months

    +1 1.7 years ago
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    260k WinsWings

    @IICXLVIICDLXXXIIIDCXLVII Yes, I delete only the ones without any comments. But there had atleast 5-12 upvotes and a few downloads (<50) may be... I do it carefully.

    +1 1.7 years ago
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    11.5k JesusChrist


    I don't really get why anyone would delete public posts, what if someone liked one of the planes you thought were "ugly" and wanted to download them at some point in the future? Now they'll never be able to.

    At least you don't delete the ones people actually commented on, so that's better at least.

    +3 1.7 years ago