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Some questions

63.8k Yourlocalhuman  1.8 years ago

We know all that if an propeller engine gets overspeed it will break right? But i wonder is it possible to do it on jet engines? I want to make a ww2 like jet engines with crappy performance, like if an jet engine goes overspeed, it would result in the engine either burn or fail (the engine looses speed and cannot be recovered) i want that feature but does anyone know how to do or funky trees for it? I would gladly appreciate a help

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    Jet engines? No. current speed on my SOL project: mach...i forgor but its like almost 400

    1.8 years ago
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    @DerekSP i can use VTOL engine and nozzle smiliar to how we build afterburners

    1.8 years ago
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    44.7k DerekSP

    that may be doable, if the engine goes over a certain thrust and you keep it there for too long i can think of a way that may disable it or reduce its power, but its probably going to be without any special effects

    1.8 years ago
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    11.9k X99STRIKER

    Either way, your plane is crashing.

    1.8 years ago
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    @X99STRIKER i've been thinking about that, but it would just be unrealistic, my idea is to use VTOL engines and nozzle to make a fake burn effect that activates at fuel 30% and at that fuel amount it also would set the engine power to zero and i've been searching for this kind of ft code

    1.8 years ago
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    11.9k X99STRIKER

    Put a gun with lower damage facing the engine.
    You can’t use the rest of your guns, but you’ll be able to damage your engine however much you want.

    1.8 years ago