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My Return (Partially…)

15.4k iMxr  1.8 years ago


Well, I’ll start off with a quick apology for my long and unexpected absence. A lot has happened since the last time I’ve logged on, mostly personal stuff. It is, as always, quite nice, but yet bittersweet to see that the community has changed quite a bit. There’s a lot of new people around here, ones I haven’t seen before, but it’s also very nice to see some old faces that have stuck around. What was it, a good one and a half years or so since I was last here? My my, a lot has happened in that time…

My life has been changing a lot lately, to say the least. Finding a right spot in society is quite hard, but I’ve been managing. I’m currently unenrolled in college due to it being, in my opinion, a waste of time, effort, as well as a cause for unnecessary stress and waste of money. I went only 2 semesters and decided college just isn’t for me. Oh well… Anyways, job-wise? I’ve been in and out of quite a few of them, at least 7 so far. My first time in went pretty well, lasting a good 3/4 of a year, that is until I began getting discriminated against by the general managers as well as some of the employees due to a disability I have, ADHD, as well as because of my nationality. Long story short, I filed a discrimination lawsuit against them and won. I won’t go into detail with the other jobs, but I will say I have found a job that suits me well currently.

As of future plans? It’s pretty much up in the air at the moment, with a possible course towards flight school, something I’ve never thought I’d ever make it to. If I were to get into flight school and complete it, I’d probably go for cargo flights, and anything resembling solo flight jobs due to those jobs not needing a college degree.

As a wrap up, I’ll reiterate how nice it is that I’ve been able to finally get my life in some kind of order, and how glad I am to see the new faces here, as well as the old ones. Now, obviously I won’t be on as much as I used to be in the past years, but I’ll do my best to stay in touch with you all! I certainly hope you all have a great day, and please, do take care…

Mario A. Muša