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FT Guru's? Trim and (a ? b : c) Rotator/Engine codes

27.6k Type2volkswagen  1.8 years ago

2 Questions

1). When I use (Trim<0.5) as "a" (0.5) as "b" and (1) as "c" like this:

Trim<0.5 ? 0.5 : 1

The Trim doesn't start at "null" (0), the Rotator moves to "b" position until more than 50% input when it moves to "c" position.
the rotator moves like I want except for the in the null Trim position.
I think it's because of the "less than" statement of "a".

What code should I use/correct for this?
Is there a code that works for this AND negative Trim movement?

2). Is it possible to use the "Fixed code" from the 1st question as input to a car engine part (Fixed Code and throttle) that reduces the throttle output when the Trim is below 50% and no output when Trim is "null"?

"Fixed Trim Code" * Throttle

or similar?

Please ask if I'm not making sense....