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How to improve

2,268 Oicraftian  8.4 years ago

So I would like the community to tell me how to improve my building, my personality, almost anything. Thank you

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    2,268 Oicraftian

    So I was wondering if someone could help me with my Zeroes, my B7A2 project, and my 27C project which looks really bland

    8.3 years ago
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    2,268 Oicraftian

    It's all about rudder authority; and inherent low speed stability. But it doesn't last long. Game mechanics make it rather hard to do so @Skua

    8.4 years ago
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    26.2k Skua

    @Oicraftian sweet, I've managed to get some success using vectored thrust for that, but never purely aerodynamic control. Let me know how it turns out!

    8.4 years ago
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    2,268 Oicraftian

    I was trying to get it to be able to do PSM... @Skua

    8.4 years ago
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    26.2k Skua

    @Oicraftian I'll be honest, I can't help you there. A good number of my planes never even get rudders. They're not a big part of controlling a plane most of the time, anyway

    8.4 years ago
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    2,268 Oicraftian

    Well I haven't actually been satisfied with it's rudder authority... @Skua

    8.4 years ago
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    26.2k Skua

    @Oicraftian hey there's no reason to worry about it mate, the Zero handles excellently. I'll be sure to check those other planes out

    8.4 years ago
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    2,268 Oicraftian

    Oops... I messed up... @Skua

    8.4 years ago
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    2,268 Oicraftian

    I am sure I used structural panels! I have an early 27C Concept in my profile, test that. I will check on my little Zero. Maybe I did use another set of wings in my Zero. There used to be some planes on my wall called Type 8 and they were part of my advanced maneuverability program. My earlier Zero is a direct development of that! I hope I don't come across wrong, sometimes I am forgetful @Skua

    8.4 years ago
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    26.2k Skua

    @Oicraftian I'm not sure I understand what you mean - they're all wings, structural wings still act as wings in every sense. Structural panels don't, but you didn't use those (on the Zero, at least). I tested it without the extra wing sections just to see, including moving the CoM to stay roughly where it was in relation to the now-different CoL. I got the drop in handling ability that was expected. Can you upload one of these more agile versions without the extra wing sections so I can see?

    8.4 years ago
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    2,268 Oicraftian

    Err. Those are actually structural things. Only the bottom wing is actually a "wing". It is inherent design characteristics I took from lessons learned in previous aircraft. 27C is example of a larger scale model. I delete my old planes because I don't think they deserve the light of day... Those wing sections make the wing loading value lower than it actually is. I do maneuverability tests before and after the additional sections and those structural things are actually detrimental @Skua

    8.4 years ago
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    26.2k Skua

    Hi Oicraftian, sorry it took me so long to get back to you on this, I've had a busy weekend. I tried out four or five of your planes, generally speaking they fly really well and are all incredibly manouevrable. The way you do thicker wings with numerous wing sections is probably pretty important to this, dat wing loading is just so low. So yeah, there's definitely no issue with how your planes fly.

    In terms of looks, you usually do a decent job but there's not a lot to distinguish a lot of your prop planes from each other. Don't be afraid to build on a slightly larger scale like you did with the BK-29, which looks awesome.

    As for deleting old planes, I wouldn't worry about that. Take a look at my old planes, they're still all up. It's kinda nice to be able to look back and see how far you've come, and nobody is gonna show up to look through your page and say "Hah look Oicraftian's planes weren't as good last year!".

    Above all just have fun, I'm sure you'll enjoy v1.3 when it comes to mobile soon.

    8.4 years ago
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    34.0k BoxGlow

    Just keep on building things. The more you familiarize yourself with how the plane designer works the better/faster you'll be at building things..

    Try out other people's design and take them apart so you could investigate how it was built.. Then try to replicate it

    8.4 years ago
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    I need a support base. My planes aren't very good@dsr1aviation

    8.4 years ago
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    26.2k Skua

    @Oicraftian don't worry, you don't need hundreds of parts to build a good plane. I think I've seen a few of your planes about, but I'll look properly on my laptop later

    8.4 years ago
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    @Oicraftian Dont worry you will get noticed soon... try to use custom camo to make your planes look better. I taught your planes would be bad looking but they are actually very good.

    8.4 years ago
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    8,433 dsr1aviation

    Kik is a chat app.

    8.4 years ago
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    2,268 Oicraftian

    @dsr1aviation I notice how you leave out that they are "nicely detailed" but still have a low part count...
    a kik?

    8.4 years ago
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    8,433 dsr1aviation

    Also now might be the time to finish your boat. They are very popular at the moment

    8.4 years ago
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    8,433 dsr1aviation

    There is a group on there you can join full of supportive users

    8.4 years ago
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    8,433 dsr1aviation

    By the way do you have kik?

    8.4 years ago
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    8,433 dsr1aviation

    Firstly dont sell your self short. You have a lot of nice detailed planes. I have a friend on here who used to think his stuff was not very good but it is. All you need is a follower base. Something i can help with. @Skua @General360 @lucasmah @Swat132 @DeezDucks @AviownCorp @MrVaultech i tagged you guys because you are all supportive

    8.4 years ago
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    2,268 Oicraftian

    @dsr1aviation What should I improve on? You yourself are an excellent builder, very much unlike myself. Tell me, what should I improve?

    8.4 years ago
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    8,433 dsr1aviation

    Just be yourself mate :) the community is not judgemental and we are all equal here so just enjoy building and try being active in the forums and supporting new users :)

    8.4 years ago
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    2,268 Oicraftian

    perhaps I should stop deleting my old planes that did not make the modern standard?

    8.4 years ago
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