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How does one distribute rewards on a challenge?

18.5k LonelyAustrianUhlan  2.1 years ago

Not really planning to do a challenge (or maybe yes, idk), but I always wondered:

How do you give the rewards/prizes for entries on your challenge?


do you physically give them?

like saying 1st place 15 upvotes, and upvoting 15 builds of the winner?
What if there aren't enough builds, or for example you promised spotlights but cant spotlight the build?

do you ask a moderator to give them? (if that's even possible)

Like saying pls give @somting 15 upvotes or so and so, is that even possible in general?

Or maybe there's some other way which I'm too stupid to think of?

just wanted to know, thanks in advance

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    @DeveloperKorzalerke Thank you very much.

    +1 2.1 years ago
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    11.5k JesusChrist

    like saying 1st place 15 upvotes, and upvoting 15 builds of the winner?


    What if there aren't enough builds, or for example you promised spotlights but cant spotlight the build?

    Well this doesn't really happen that often so idk, i guess if someone doesn't have enough builds just upvote the ones they have. If someone has more points than you then they should know they wouldn't get the promised spotlight.

    do you ask a moderator to give them? (if that's even possible)

    I have never seen anyone do that so i assume not.

    +1 2.1 years ago