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I'm happy and sad that I'm on mobile

1,246 Ambarveis  8.5 years ago

Happy that weapons will make it but dogfights might probably not

before anyone tells me to go play HAWX or Ace Combat, I do play them, but dogfighting in your custom planes? that is another thing, It's way awesome I think. and the quirkiness of an individual plane doesn't exist in those DF games, they don't have that slight pitch up that ruins their aiming or that yaw that wobbles uncontrollably

But whatever happens in the update, I'll still love it,

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    1,246 Ambarveis

    good to know guys, thanks

    8.5 years ago
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    @Ambarveis Sp moight not lag. I have a 5 year old Windows PC that is about 0.2 FPS for alol my games exept for Simpleplanes. Simpleplanes runs just fine, even on high settings

    8.5 years ago
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    26.2k Skua

    @Ambarveis seriously I racked up a huge number of hours on SP during the beta because it has such a low impact on the system that I just left it running in the background when I wasn't playing it. Steam does refunds if it doesn't work, anyway, so long as it's within a couple of hours of play.

    8.5 years ago
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    37.7k Decrepit

    @Ambarveis simpleplanes has very low specs, on medium im sure it would play fine.

    8.5 years ago
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    1,246 Ambarveis

    @CanofBeans Really considering PC but i have an old windows XP that lags on almost every game,

    8.5 years ago
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    13.9k CanofBeans

    I agree, though I might get the pc version so I can get a little more outta it.

    8.5 years ago