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How to merge a bomb and missile

2,213 AEGIS  2.3 years ago

Have you ever tried making a custom weapon using a bomb and a missile, but been stuck with a useless "bomb" button on the weapon selector? Well I'm going to teach you how to get rid of it. And a benefit of this method is that you don't have to lock on before launching; simply just select the target and fire the weapon. The missile will do the rest.


Step one:

Get a missile and a bomb

Step two:

Open the XML editor on the missile and select "missile" from the drop-down menu.

Step three:

Click the "plus" button at the bottom of the box. In the "Name" box add the word "name" and in the "Value" box add the name you want your weapon to be called.

Step four:

Do the same with the bomb. Make sure the name of the bomb and missile are identical to eachother, that's the only way this is gonna work.

Step five:

Use the missile as you normally would when making a custom weapon and when it's complete attach the bomb to any part and position the bomb into the weapon body.

Remember to set the massScale & dragScale to 0 and set calculateDrag to false.

And that's it, now when you go to launch your custom weapon, it should be easier to find in the selector and quicker to launch. This is best used on a guided bomb like this.
