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Der trisländische Taifun: Part 1 [Teaser]

26.0k TWDDerSharkmarine  2.3 years ago

Trislandia Luftwaffe in late 1939 consisted of mostly Naval Fighters, the worst thing is, the only available main frontline fighter of Trislandia Luftwaffe are a Two Seater Torpedo-Bomber, the So-15 CR-2/CI-1 (Radial and Inline respectively) Alterra which although not as bad as you think it might be, is as expected, inferior to the brand new Kestrel made by PRD (Creator: Doomnolymo)

Along with that, there is also the So-15 A-1 Dora (an Fw-190 like aircraft) and the So-17 A-0 Folgore (an MC.202/205 like aircraft), however, the Dora is still suffering from various problems, while the Folgore are canceled because it didn't meet the requirements of the RLM, this leave Riese Flugzeugwerke (RF) as the only contender, however, its design was incomplete, they didn't even have a flying prototype

Atleast that is the case in 1939, in mid 1940, the RF-10 B-0 is flying for the first time (the A-Variant being a static wind tunnel test model), and at the same time, improvements were made, with the C-Variant being originally intended as a production variant, however, problems arises, the C-Variant only flying prototype crashed beyond repair, which leaves the D-Variant, which was originally intended to be produced in 1942, to be pushed back significantly to mid 1941

RLM accepted the design for RF-10D's to be made instead, and thus, in April 1st 1941, the first D-Variant rolled out of the factory, it was magnificent little aircraft, it was fast, nimble, and it will do everything you wanted it to do, soon, pilot feedback came, and changes were made until it was all implemented into a single variant....

RF-10 D-9 (Dora 9)

To quote from Trislandia top ace pilot, Oberstleutnant Twise Todt in an interview from 1975:

"it was honestly one of my favorite aircraft to fly, it is a bit of a handful on the ground, but once you get it on the air, it can't be stopped, the pilots called it Taifun not for nothing, it is like a literal Typhoon, its wild, its unpredictable, but once you are 'connected' with it, once you have broken that man and machine barrier, it could do whatever you want it to do"

See, Decide, Attack, Reverse, it is imperative for the flyer to be Disciplined when flying the Taifun, a bad pilot blame the aircraft, a good pilot blame themself

Soon, you can be the one on the seat, being the one on control of the sky, just wait a little longer

22-02-12 10-04