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1,659 CatMasterLuke  2.3 years ago

Yes, I’m still working on the thing that I made the teaser for. But it most likely won’t get very popular at all, check out some of my other builds, the best ones do so badly! I worked on the Fastazzo P10 Manu for like, a month, and it did super badly on the website! Like, what? And another build I made, The Fastazzo trackdemo M1, got 6 upvotes, no comments but…
1,500 Downloads???? What the hell?? The simpleplanes community confuses me.

I’m working on a bunch of builds at the same time, most almost done. I want to release some of them when I get silver, but like that’s ever gonna happen.
I don’t even know why I made this post no one is going to see it