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Kingdom of five islands Air Force

6,356 Samfpanzer  2.4 years ago

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Aircraft brought to by me under the name delta air corp,arado ,Mikhailov aircraft and pratley aircraft design bureau

prototype aircraft

D-50 Ver.04

Delta D.PfZ

MIK-18 landing prototype

Delta aircraft Corp

Founded in 1932 delta is the all purpose aircraft company that’s best known for there bombers

D-56-Kaiserbomber with buzzerd bombs







Delta D.80 Spatz

Arado Flugzeugwerke Design Büro

Founded by Berthold Wolfgang arado in 1909, arado is The only company that competes with pratley when it comes to sea and carrier based aircraft
(This is not related to the german arado it is just a coincidence that have the same name aka I like the name but not the people that own it)

Arado Ar.11

Mikhailov aircraft and tanks

Founded in 1912 by Anton Mikhailov a Russian refugee from the Russian civil war this company is a not just a aircraft company but also makes tanks as well, but for aircraft they focuses on single or twin engine fighter or bomber aircraft




pratley aircraft design bureau

Initially Founded in 1910 as a aircraft engine manufacturer pratley eventually started developing aircraft leading them to be the main naval aviation company for the kingdom of five islands
this builds have lower part count as they are designed for use on ship and ships are known for a high part coun

Pratley Seahawk
Seahawk model ll
seahawk Model III