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I just got an FPV!

13.4k o2o  2.4 years ago

I just got a tinywhoop, and I’m already planning to upgrade it! It’s called the DM104g, and it was only 40$! I’m also gonna make it in simple planes if you want to see it. It has an 800TVL camera, and I’m planning to get some goggles too. I dont know if it is a wolfwhoop, caddx, runcam, I’ll have to see when I get it. I’m also planning once I get the hang of it to upgrade it to a 1200-1500tvl cam. It also comes with a 300mah battery that will last bout 5-6 minutes, which is really good for a tinywhoop. If there are any suggestions for any good 3 pin racer cams, please tell me in the comments! Also what I mean by 3pin is positive, negative, and ground. Not an extra positive and negative, or a 5 pin. I also have the normal DM104s version, which is the WiFi version, and it can go about 20+mph, but there is a calibration bug that causes the drone sometimes to flip over. I’ve also crashed it a couple of times, and it’s durable. The camera is 480p which I don’t care, but he bit rate is so bad and that the drone cam FoV is so low it seems like it’s zoomed in and at a 50” angle.
If you read to the end, thank you, and take care!

Here are some pics if u want some:

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Also, tell me in the comments what drone you have and some suggestions too!

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    177k Zaineman

    @o2o no you don't need to do that. I'm reading my words from a year and a half ago and it's hard to believe I wrote that........ Kind of silly....Z 😺

    +1 28 days ago
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    13.4k o2o

    @Zaineman I dont think I ever got this comment in my notifs, do you still want me to post it about the FPV gear?

    28 days ago
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    177k Zaineman

    Would you put together a post w pics of the gear I sold "gave" you ? I could always use some good press in this community. I think it would be cool if they knew what I did for you. Does this sould like something you would be willing to do ?

    +1 1.5 years ago
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    3,323 JustWingIt

    @idontknow8b Heh. I'll see what I can do, regarding screenshots. Thanks for the encouragement!

    +2 2.4 years ago
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    13.4k o2o

    @JustWingIt I guess so. But there is still a chance! We just need good screenshots! Also on the homepage I saw a ~70 part build that didn’t even have landing gears.

    +2 2.4 years ago
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    3,323 JustWingIt

    @idontknow8b Update on the atomic Ao Jun: I think the robot will be able to walk now, because of Mixx's help. Now all I have to do is make it fly, transform, turn its head and add finishing touches to the model.

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    3,323 JustWingIt

    @idontknow8b Thanks! Though getting featured might be a longshot... It's got too many parts from other builds.

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    13.4k o2o

    @JustWingIt thank you. I really want to finish the drone, but I’m just so tired. Well I hope you have a good day, and I hope you finish the Ao jun! I really hope it gets featured too!

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    3,323 JustWingIt

    @idontknow8b Hope you feel better soon!

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    13.4k o2o

    @JustWingIt awesome! I’m really exited! Also, some of my projects will be postponed because I have the common cold, and it’s pretty bad.

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    3,323 JustWingIt

    @idontknow8b Also, FYI, a person named Mixx is helping me make the Ao Jun walk. I think it'll be finished soon! And yes, I stand by that!

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    3,323 JustWingIt

    @idontknow8b So, what are you going to do with your newfound glory? :)

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    13.4k o2o

    @JustWingIt thank you! Thank you so much!!!! I just got 1,000 points in one day cause of you guys! <3 <3 <3

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    3,323 JustWingIt


    +1 2.4 years ago
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    3,323 JustWingIt

    @idontknow8b Nice! I've been looking forward to that :) I just wish I could still spotlight you!

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    13.4k o2o

    @JustWingIt thank you so much! You have helped me along my journey so much, and when I get gold, I’ll make sure to than you! Also the drone is almost done!

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    13.4k o2o

    @JustWingIt thank you! Yeah I really hope you can finish the Ao Jun! Maybe it’ll get featured?

    2.4 years ago
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    3,323 JustWingIt

    @idontknow8b So cool to see you progress from bronze to gold. Now lets just hope I can finally finish the Ao Jun and tie up loose ends!

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    3,323 JustWingIt

    @idontknow8b I've just been scrolling through your posts, and you have so much cool stuff I haven't even seen! I'll download it when I get home. I've upvoted some things in the meantime. I think you'll be gold in a few mins! I'm so happy for you! You deserve it!

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    3,323 JustWingIt

    @idontknow8b Nice! Seems like you know what you're doing. Also, I just finished editing my wall of text here. For some reason the bullet points look weird and I can't put line spaces between the paragraphs. Oh well.

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    13.4k o2o

    @JustWingIt thank you! Yeah, I have beta flight installed but i dont know what type of flight controller it is. I’m pretty sure it’s some type of brushed f3, or something similar. I’ll post a picture of the board too.

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    3,323 JustWingIt

    Nice! FPV is so much fun. You'll love it. Here are my tips and recommendations:

    • If you're looking for a small, quality camera, a runcam nano 3 or 4 should do the trick. If you want something cheaper, I'd recommend the runcam nano 2. I've got it on my tinyhawk 2 freestyle, and it looks great. I'll probably upgrade eventually, though. I'm not sure about the FOV, but it looks fine on my goggles.

    • If you like flying just off your phone screen, that's fine. This drone doesn't seem like it has a normal VTX, so you probably can't connect the drone to goggles. However, if you do eventually upgrade to a new quad and are looking for good FPV goggles, it's important to find a model with a fan, two antennas and a DVR. The fan keeps the goggles from fogging up, the two antennas improve video range and the DVR lets you record flights to an SD card. You don't have to get something expensive, but tbh it has to have a fan in it, otherwise the fogging gets annoying. I have the EMAX transporter goggles and betafpv VR01. The VR01 doesn't have a fan, but doesn't fog up as much because of how I wear it, slightly higher on my face. I've heard the EMAX Transporter 2 is also pretty good, but I don't have it.

    • To get your quad to fly right, I'd recommend tuning it in betaflight if you can. Look up how to install it and connect the quad to your computer. If your quad is compatible, you can change the onscreen video display to give it a HUD, or you can change how fast it turns, rolls and pitches. You can basically change everything about how the quad flies.

    Note: Your quad might not be able to connect to a computer. In which case, ignore this tip.

    • If you want to fly FPV, you need to be able to fix the quad when you break it. And yes, that is a when. You will eventually crash it and break it. I'd recommend having a cheap, but quality soldering iron around to resolder burnt-out motors. See if you can also buy extra frames for it, so if you break one of the quad's arms you can replace it. I don't crash very often, but when you do crash while flying freestyle, it's easy to break something. My quad is probably about 75% replacement parts. You probably won't be flying at high speeds with your tinywhoop but it's good to be prepared.

    • Lastly, you want to pick gear that can grow with you. Don't buy the cheapest of the cheap goggles and transmitter, because you'll end up replacing them and spending more money. Buy quality gear so when you want to upgrade to a new quad, you don't need to buy new equiptment. I've already recommended goggles, but I also have some suggestions on controllers. I'd recommend the Jumper-T Lite, because it has great gimbals and can connect to many different drones and planes. It has two different protocol chipsets you can get, so make sure you get the right one for your quad. If your drone uses a proprietary binding protocol, you'll have to use the included controller. If you eventually decide you want a faster, higher-quality quad later on, I'd recommend the EMAX tinyhawk 3 for for indoor/limited outdoor use, or the EMAX tinyhawk 2 freestyle for outdoor freestyling/racing.

    Good luck, and Happy Flying!

    +2 2.4 years ago
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    50.1k BeastHunter

    @idontknow8b You’re welcome!

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    13.4k o2o

    @BeastHunter thank you! Also, I have 21 notifications of you upvoting my stuff! goodness! Thank you so much! <3 :)

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    50.1k BeastHunter

    @idontknow8b I don’t know, but I can’t wait to see!

    +1 2.4 years ago
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