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I can't wait for the 2021 season of BattleBots

1,909 Watsmyu  2.8 years ago

I can't wait, just all the new designs, and the upgrades, and Two Headed Death Flamingo, and the new Kracken that apparently has became the worlds most powerful crusher, and the new walker bots that will probably enter, and Mad Catter, and Hydra, and SlamMow, and (hopefully) Quantum, and SOW, and Skorpios, and (hopefully) Deep Six. From what I heard, the Skorpios team are gonna drive Cobalt because Dave and Sam couldn't go because family stuff, and also, I expected some Robot Wars competitors to try and enter this BattleBots season because Robot Wars was cancelled, and I was correct, because Diotor tried to enter and was sadly rejected, another bot that was sadly rejected was Emmulsifier, which is basically what you would get if you put End Game and SHATTER! together, and thats why I'm sad it was rejected, but hey at least there is Bloodsport, which I'm somewhat connected to battle bots now because of them, because Bloodsport is made by the same team that made the beetleweight bot named Division, and Division competes in Norwalk Havoc Robot League, and one of my friends that I met on roblox competes in that as well, so yay I am somewhat connected to battle bots! Okay my celebration time is over now lets talk about the bot Horizon, its spinners on a spinner, sounds like a good idea when until you realize that the spinners on the ends of the big spinner are spinning in the opposite direction of the big spinner, it's a good idea made not functionally good, the design on the bot is good, nothing against it, its actually cool, its just not gonna do much damage.

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    1,909 Watsmyu

    @Shoukaku dont say that the sport of robot combat is strictly for children or childish

    2.8 years ago
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    1,909 Watsmyu

    @Shoukaku enough to start going to 9th grade

    2.8 years ago
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    34.9k Rudeus

    how old are you?

    2.8 years ago