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Spectre, King of the skies

2,193 DerKommandant  3.1 years ago

Spectre (Kei Nagashiro) is a 19 year old ace from the 2022-2024 2nd Russo-Japanese war, piloting a modified eXpirimental Reconnaissance Fighter no. 113 "Nightshade.

The war

While the Chinese were nuking the living hell out of the 'Muricans, the Russians decided to expand their motherland, bringing communism along with it. Its firs target was Japan, which was technologicaly advanced, but not militarily.

Kei's backstory

Kei was born in February 8, 2005, to a family living in Tokyo, near the HQ of the Japanese air force. His father was an engineer for the air force, while his mother was a sailor in the navy. December 31, 2021, his mother was killed in the attack by the Russian Aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetov and its strike group. He joined the air force after this to seek revenge.

Part 1, Fukuro squadron

The squadron he joined was Fukuro, Japanese for owl. They used F5 Tigers, without missiles and only mgps. They mainly did reconnaisance, but were involved in some dogfights. The squadron was disbanded after the death of the squadron leader.

Part 2, 37th expirimental squadron, Taka

After the arrival of the XRF 113 Nightshades, the 37th expirimental squadron "Taka" or hawk in Jaoanese, formerly the 39th Interceptor squadron, messed around with these planes. Kei, after getting bored, decided to join it, and eventually became the test pilot for the eXpirimental Air Superiority Fighter no. 113 Nightshade, which would later become Japan's first 5th gen fighter.

Red october squadron and the XASF 113s Super Nightshade

While the Taka squadron was out doing recon, they spotted a Soviet squadron. This specific squadron was 69th multirole squadron, Red October. Kei, thinking quickly, vibe checked the squadron
Red October 1 is it me or are there one more plane in this squadron?
Red October 2 you must be drunk, cyka.
Red October 1 ??, maybe is true
Kei I'm boutta do what's called a pro gamer move
Taka squadron leader NO DONT
kei * inhale * VIBE CHECK!!!
Red October squadron what the- offline

Spectre painjob

Kei got bored with the crappy all black paintjob of the Nightshade, so he thought that red would be a nice color, so that the enemy can see him from afar, unlike other aces, as no one ever lived to see their paintjobs long enough