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Did anyone notice this?

11.6k Sol  8.5 years ago

Lots of these planes are very very simple! Obiously in the newest page by the looks of it great planes are really hard to find now buts thats good cause it shows new player probs here! Every plane looks the same flys same speed (exaguration here!) Hey why dont the devs or mods put a new feature in this web that shows how many new peeps have joined the community in one week and how many players online and how much has it seller in total until know it would be really cool!

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    1,634 Hazo

    People just don't put the time or creativity, some people who do this somehow rise through the ranks really fast even though their skills aren't up to scratch.😔

    8.5 years ago
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    Yep, but the game is simple planes, my XVI series is designed to be easy to fly simplistic, fun planes,

    8.5 years ago