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New TV Channel for my fictional country (K-BNTV)

3,267 SheriffHackdogMCPE  3.4 years ago

Welcome to the Krakabloan Democrat, the Supreme Minister's state owned newspaper.

Today, the Senate and members of the Supreme Democracy Party, had signed a bill giving birth to the country's first TV channel, also known as K-BNTV or Krakabloan Broadcasting National TV or simply Krakabloan-1 or TVKrakabloa. It is the first channel in the country, managed by the Supreme Democracy Party. It has 15 shows, 8 local and 7 foreign.(Foreign shows are only in weekends) 3 are news broadcast, such as the new Good Morning Krakabloa, Middle Clock News (noontime news) and The Nation Tonight. Broadcasting starts at 4:30am following the 20-minute animated history of Krakabloan Federation and ends with the anthem of Krakabloa at 12:49 am after the propaganda show. The channel number is 5.

List of shows/schedule of broadcast1:

4:30 am: Sign On message/ Animated history of Krakabloan Federation
4:50 am: Early morning presidential announcement
5:49 am: Good Morning Krakabloa (news)
6:56 am: Roblox Player Stories
7:45 am: Morning Talk
8:45 am: Military Documentaries
9:31 am: Gaming Den
11:05 am: Middle Clock News
1pm-4pm: Movie Time
5pm: Lucky TV (game show)
6:50 pm: The Nation Tonight (news)
8:30pm: Minecraft Animated Series
9:15pm: BeamNG Drive the TV Series: Law and Order
11:03pm: Late Night Prime (news)
12:10am: The Banner (Government propaganda)
12:47am: Krakabloan National Anthem and sign off message
12:49am-4:30am: Sign Off
So Krakabloans, enjoy watching!

Heil Hackdog!

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    Our country had a TV station, but that was located in Silkhaven. And you know what happened to Silkhaven.

    +1 3.4 years ago
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    @Rajko dude I have that lol

    3.4 years ago
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    9,007 Rajko

    You can just join in a discord rp lol

    3.4 years ago
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    25.6k OwO

    we have
    La tele nueva

    3.4 years ago