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43.3k xSUPERTTx  3.6 years ago

Here we go, last weeks I work with tons of projects

At first about FT CR3, it fully finished and I uploud it tommorow, CR3-SL is finished too. Now you can check only CR3-S

TT BKV, I make new BKV-L2, its just kinda restyling with glass, smooth and bigger grill and other front bumper, cooming soon

CSR2, I started working with interior, but it have no any cool aerodynamics, which first gen CSR have, so I thinking very much about aero now... So here you can check first gen CSR

SAAB 99 Turbo, I saw (remember nickname sorry) guy who made new Isuzu gemini based on car, that was made on V1.09, and I wanna make such upgrade for my SAAB, but there are tons of troubles with shapes, and its imposible to make car totaly accurate, but I reaaly trying, dont know when I finish it, but I integrate my fully new gearbox, which I working on now, it will be mooore realistic than curent one. Links bellow to check 99
Stock 99 Turbo
Rally version, based on design and perfomance of real rally SAAB 99
Version by FT, it have MOOOO PAWA BABEH, and also active suspension and some other features

Also I working on multifunctional helicopter, limousine and 5gen fighter
Ah and where are 2 projects based on CR3, one is an cabriolet, which is not so fast because weight and power, another is absolutely another, its hard hypercar inspired of Lamborghini Sesto Elemento, it will be fully lightweight and really powefull. But whese projects its not CR3 because big differences of body