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Funky Trees autopilot system for a flying wing

18.7k NexusGaming  3.5 years ago

I would like to build a large flying wing bomber, but I also need to have some funky trees inputs for it to work and be stable. Here is what is needed:
- A Funky trees input for roll, pitch and yaw that basically acts like a FBW system, allowing for stable flight (no rolling, pitching up/down or yawing motion)
- Another system, for auto-flaps
- Plus, custom control surface and landing gear help
Post will be made later

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    my FTs about flight control this might help you

    +1 3.5 years ago
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    18.9k KudaOni

    Ummm... I don't know much about funky trees... but maybe @NumbersNumbersTheMan can help you?

    3.5 years ago