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XPF-1 Mittens Teaser

4,165 chemmey  3.6 years ago

After couple weeks of break, I decided to build the last PF series. This aircraft mark the end for the series. So, this is how the plane looks.

  1. Top Speed of 280kts.
  2. Stable flight at 90-95% with standard load.
  3. Good handling performance.
  4. Four wing-mount MGs. Good for taking out opponent quickly.
  5. Very fuel efficient
  6. You can carry 1000kg bombs. But with limits, which is max load of 1500kg.
  1. Not finished yet ofc.
  2. When flying above than 5000-6000ft it start rolling to the left. Some people told me it was caused by drag. Already tune but the problem still happen.
  3. No gears yet. Experimenting with it.
  4. You need to adjust the CoM Everytime you load a new type weapon. I.e- from rocket racks to bombs.

I want somebody to test the plane out and gives advices what should I tweak, especially the rolling issues.

For all of you. Have a nice day

XPF-1 Mittens

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    4,165 chemmey

    @Darg12e when typing the ! [] () Make sure do not space it tho.

    +1 3.6 years ago
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    5,739 Darg12e

    @PoyuToyu kk

    3.6 years ago
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    4,165 chemmey

    @Darg12e first go to images - direct link converter websites. I use the bbcode0 websites
    Upload the image and copy the direct link.
    Then do ! [] ()

    3.6 years ago
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    5,739 Darg12e

    How ypu put the pics?

    3.6 years ago