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Hiding in the fog: Operation Shadow Strike

7,943 MarbleXLazuli  3.8 years ago

3 days later, Akagi had sailed back up to Spring Sea, however the JS Akio and her detached fleet had not arrived yet. Once again weaponry was low from the strike operation. According to Akio's R.A.E EXERO fighter, there was an abandoned airbase in between Erusea and Sapin. It was reported that there were remains supplies there. After multiple debates over the safety of the fleet, the commander ordered Hornet,Marble,Skye, Constrictor squadron and a squadron of Oshira M60A Bernkastel Close Assault Strike Fighter's that have been modified for carrier operations, to take off and sweep the area of enemy forces around the base. Marble was ordered to do Recon over the area and see if he could find any Anti-air defenses.
Maeko and Marble took off first and vectored 305 to waypoint 1. 15 minutes of flying they reach the first point and Marble breaks off and accelerates into the clouds. Constrictor Squadron patrolled the area while the strike fighters got ready.

Two contacts appear on radar. They are Erusean Viggen's diving in at high-speed Constrictor 1 and 2 broke off first with the other 3 following behind. The Viggens weren't aces and the battle quickly ended with Maeko getting both kills.

During this encounter, Marble had arrived over the Recon area. Marble reported in 12 Anti-air tanks and a small convoy of trucks. The Anti-Air defenses came online and Marble took evasive action.

AWACS: Marble, return back to the Akagi, the strike fighters are on there way. Your part of the operation was a success. Good show

Marble: Aye

Hornet, Skye, and the five Oshira strike fighters came in low and popped up over the hills and started the attack. The place was a hot-zone with missile flying past canopies and gunfire filling the evening sky.

The precision strike was successful and the helicopters were on the way to land at the airbase. However the flight back for the strike team wasn't so easy. Three Erusean F-15's and JAS-39C Gripen's showed up to intercept the strike fighters. Hornet and Skye easily fought off the aggressors, with Skye getting two kills and and Hornet getting four, but the less agile M60's were in trouble.

Three M60's were downed, the last two were protected by Skye and Hornet and made their escape. Constrictor squadron came to finish off the Erusean Aggressors. Skye and the rest of the M60 pilots landed safely, however when Hornet was landing, she noticed that Marble's plane wasn't there. She landed and told Eagle the Marble hasn't returned. At that moment, the commander ordered for Teal and Eagle to go look for Marble, suggesting that he might have encountered trouble and got lost. Nakamura was concerned, for his Phantom was not fully combat ready. The gun was damaged from last operation.

Skye: Teal, please....go find him. I would be very upset if Marble was hurt badly.....

Skye, who had a visible crush on Marble, had begged Teal to go find Marble. Nakamura had thought about it, and he wouldn't feel the same either if he just let Marble go missing just because Teal's F-4 had a combat issue. He looked back at the worried Skye. Jokingly he said.

Teal: I wouldn't let Marble just die so easily. I can live without an internal gun. I will bring Marble back safely

His response calmed Skye. Eagle and Teal took off to go find the lost recon fighter. The search was prolonged and night-time had fallen. Then in the distance, Teal saw multiple trails of jet exhaust twisting and turning. Marble was caught in a furball with 6 intruders and one Osean F-22 raptor. The F-22 had three strikes on it.

Teal: Eagle, careful. The Ace Trigger, is here!

Eagle: If so, then that's a real problem. Zero 1 engaging!

Teal: Crimson 1, engaging

Both fighter joined the fight. Eagle scored two kills against the intruder F-35's. Going vertical and killing tree more with missile shots. Teal claimed two more victims with missile shots. Marble, now having protection, took out the last three Intruder fighters, leaving only Trigger.

Teal: Eagle, take Marble home. I'll fight Trigger myself

Eagle: Roger Teal-san, be careful. Marble follow me back to the Akagi.

Teal: Come at me, Murderer..

The Aces flew past each other. The fight was fair on both sides, with the planes switching up the pursuer multiple time. It was until Trigger got too slow and Teal had him in his gunsight.

Teal: Your mine!

Teal pulled the trigger and something burst underneath him. A Master caution light came on. Teal had caused the gun barrel to melt instantly. The clicking noise rang out as Teal tried to fire the gun. He realized once more that his gun was damaged and now it was useless. Trigger took advantage of his slow speed and pulled a cobra. His raptor flew over Teal's canopy. Once Trigger got behind him, he fired his guns instantly, giving no time for Teal to react. The bullets struck Teal's engine and control system. The force of the burst and the one engine lost cause a flatspin. The over-heating engine caught fire and began igniting the fuel tanks. The GBWS was blaring and multiple warning lights were ringing throughout his cockpit.

Teal: Crap, Crimson 1 Ejecting!

Teal pulled the handle and was launched out of the doomed Phantom. It hit the ground in a blaze of fire. The parachute popped open and Teal glided down to the sandy floor. When Teal landed, he went to find his wingman. He had blacked out and didn't eject. His body was found crushed under the F-4's debris. Teal sat next to his ruined remains of his plane, looking out into the ocean.

Eagle and Marble had heard Teal's last transmission, revealing his current position from the time of ejection. Eagle was cursing himself for not being there to help. Marble didn't know what to feel. He had lost his instructor due to his encounter with an unexpected enemy. Eagle looked up and remembered he had saved one of his own kind, a younger, growing one.

Eagle: Marble, this isn't your fault. We will save him. We're almost home

Marble: Aye

Eagle and Marble landed safely on the Akagi. Skye had ran first to Marble, hugged him and dragged him down to her dorm, followed by Phantom, Gripen and Maeko. Eagle reported the sudden truth. The helicopters had returned but we're not ready to go out again.

Commander: We'll search for Teal in the morning. In the meantime get some rest.

Eagle, Hornet and all the other pilots went to their dorms. All the planes were brought into the hangar to be repaired. Meanwhile, Marble was having his small cuts cleaned by Skye while watching anime with Maeko, Phantom and Gripen.

Marble's mind: So this is the Art of War. Hmm, if this is the result, why do we fight and why do humans create wars? They cause destruction to once calm lands. I need to find out more. Why is Skye-chan so persistant on looking out for me? Why was i kept in sworn secrecy and why do some pilots fear me? I don't understand.

Marble's mind: mhmm..I'm sleepy. Too much is running through my head and I'm getting interference with the electronic waves. Night...Night

Marble and the other Anima fell sound asleep together. Maeko quietly left the room and went to her dorm. The whole carrier went dark and everyone was fast asleep.
Meanwhile at the Flag Intruder Mothership

Overseer: Master, the mission to capture Marble has failed. This has proven to be a burden to our normal kind and shows that the small U.N.C.A.F forces are quite the lucky ones. Even our Intruder F-35 supers couldn't handle them.

Master: Thank you Dearest, did our puppet allies partake on this mission?

Overseer: Yes, our human puppets did intervene and also failed to take-down the enemy naval battle group.

Master: Humans are so useless. I can't wait to deal with the Anima problem so i can destroy the rest of humanity. Call up the Twins, They are needed since this lucky bunch of ships and planes can hold their own very well. I'm excited to finally have some worthy opponents.

Twins: (Double voiced) We're here Mom

Master: You two are going on a very special trip for mommy. I need you to attack this fleet and capture this F-14.

Twins: (Double voiced) Okay, we won't let you down. Twins, taking off!

Master: Good Luck Marble, I look forward to the day we meet.

A major duel is prone to arrive.......soon............