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Initial Attack: Operation Southern Sea

7,943 MarbleXLazuli  3.8 years ago

August 6, 2023. JS Akagi, JS Ayanami and JS Laffey had made it to the Aurelian islands. The ocean was bitter cold and the deck was covered in white frost. Phantom, Nakamura, and Hornet would carry out the first strike mission. Marble, Maeko,a single Gundard FSWF-01/MTD/C and Schnee squadron would cover the carrier and secure air superiority.
The command was given. Phantom and Hornet were attached to Catapults 1 and 2, with Nakamura on Cat 3. The three launched one after the other. and headed into the strike zone.

The flight there was quite the long one, and when the mixed unit reached the attack prep waypoint, it was sun-rising.

Hornet started the attack. Multiple AA tank sites were set. Firing multiple AG missiles, he took out a third of the enemies defense. Their weaponry came online. Soon enough the sky was filled with flak,missiles and anti-air cannon barrages. Phantom dived and carpet bombed the airfield, destroying any aircraft and vehicles on the ground

Nakamura fired off his two H.A.R.M missiles, sinking both cruiser in the area. Phantom engaged one Osean aircraft that managed to take off and hornet finished off the rest of the ground targets in a swift strike.

The Attack lasted for about 15 minutes. Before they knew it, all fuel storage had been destroyed and enemy resistance was neutralized. Then a radio transmission came in saying that two enemy squadrons, consisting of ten Intruder aircraft were approaching the Akagi. Marble, Maeko, Gundard, Schnee 1, and the Asamian F-14JS pilots of Midnight Squadron were scrambled were scrambled to intercept.

Gundard engaged first, chasing after an F-22 and downing him in a head-on missile shot. Then claimed another kill when he shot down an Intruder F-35. An Intruder Attacker type closed in on Gundard's tail, making him go evasive. The Attacker almost took the shot until Constrictor 1 -Maeko- fired her missile into the cockpit of the Attacker, decimating the Intruder.

Constrictor turned to two more f-22's, downing them with ease. A spray of fire came down from above her, missing her cockpit but hitting her wing, causing it to leak fuel. Damage was minor but she was being chased by two F-22's. A red missile darted from the dark sky and struck one of the F-22's. Marble dove from the clouds and engaged the F-22 behind Maeko. Constrictor 1 went vertical, giving enough time for Marble to fire his guns without hitting Constrictor.

The F-22's control systems were shot and the cockpit was in ruins. The F-22 tumbled into the ocean, shattering on impact. However the rescue efforts were not enough. An Intruder Attacker fired at a F-14JS, knocking out their flight controls and sending them into a flat-spin. Their ejection equipment failed and both pilots died upon impact. Another F-14JS was shot down, the plane on fire and barrel-rolling out of control. It exploded mid-air, with both crew still inside. One F-14JS crew was able to bail out safely after their plane's wing was sheered off, also causing a flat-spin.

One lucky F-14JS crew downed two Attackers before taking critical damage and retreating back to the Akagi. Schnee downed 1 more F-22 and JS Ayanami and JS Laffey fired at the last two intruders, successfully downing them thanks to Marble's recon and guidance capabilities. Just in time too, because Hornet, Phantom, and Nakamura had all made it back. The operation was a success. The JS Akio and her squadron of R.A.E, Javelin, and W-heavy aircraft had secured air superiority over Usea, and were getting ready to meet up with Akagi. Hornet and Phantom had destroyed all the fuel storages. Nakamura and his F-4EJ sunk two Aegis Cruisers. Maeko has now secured over 25 aerial kills, and both Marble and Gundard's FSWF-01/MTD/C have made excellent combat debuts. Sadly, three F-14JS's were lost with four pilots dead and two M.I.A. And JS Akio had lost the Belkan Radar Aegis Cruiser, BN Cleveland. Despite these losses, everything went according to plan and Akagi is heading back to Rikune to meet back with Akio.

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    @Ferrolon Yeah i was changing it up it would fit Ace Combat standards

    3.8 years ago
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    11.8k Ferrolon

    Holy shit rikune!? Wait what!?

    3.8 years ago
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    @DarkMarble1 next op we'll do a plane transition

    3.8 years ago
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    @Ferrolon They were aboard Akio, since they were armed for air to air combat. They did partake in an operation but it was to secure air superiority over Usea. I would kept the R.A.E aircraft aboard Akagi but the whole damn ship is already stuffed with planes

    3.8 years ago
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    11.8k Ferrolon

    5/10 no RAE aircraft :(

    3.8 years ago