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Explained: What are the Anima.

7,943 MarbleXLazuli  3.8 years ago

Hello and welcome back to the forum of where i give details on my characters for my lore. Now it's about the Anima, 6 4th gen fighter that were given the same abilities as the Intruders from crashed intruder fighters. They were reprogrammed so that the Anima didn't attack humans. The 4th gen airframes that were chosen were the F-4EJ, A-4E, JAS-39E, F/A-18F, F-15J, and F-14D.
Anima have physical bodies, They do not have a robotic frame with composite skin and metallic organs. There entire body is constructed to that of a humans and every organ operates as so, but all the fibers in their bodies are made of a unnatural material called Neoranium, which comes in the form of Neo-crystals found from crashed Intruder aircraft. Neoranium is a flexible but resistant material that allows the Intruders to fly in ways a human pilot cannot match. This is what gives the Anima their aircraft hyper-mobility, note their agility is still determined by the aircraft they fly but their mobility is enhanced by 60%. Three crystals get harvested from the downed intruders. One is placed for the Anima's spine, one for the heart and one for the brain. We then construct a body of desire, plug it in to the crystals and the body materializes, forming the Anima. The only real robotic part of them is their brain which is a computer filled with advanced flying styles, human emotions and prior knowledge of combat. For this a program was made so that the Anima could learn from teachings and experience, just like children. One downside is that their life is determined by the aircraft they are connected too. So unless they disconnect from their aircraft, in which will hinder their human abilities by 50% percent, and eject, they will die if they crash or get shot down. The Anima do need to eat, drink, sleep and all these necessities can be turned into aircraft power which determines how well they perform in combat. There bodies and their aircraft are also connected to the Anima's mind, allowing them to perform actions by just thinking. Emotions do have an effect on the controls of their aircraft as well, allowing them to do better or worse depending on their mind state.

Thanks to these modification plus other enhancements, The Anima are probably the only force that can stand toe to toe with the Intruders. They, like the Ace Intruders have mental models (Artificial Human forms) and can improvise their attacks depending on how the fight goes and what their enemy is doing. They even have unique personalities to change their flying styles instead of having the same standard textbook Air to Air combat (You can find their personalities in my bio)
All of the Anima in order from the Oldest to Youngest
1: Eagle (F-15J)
2: Hornet (F/A-18F)
3: Gripen (JAS-39E)
4: Phantom (F-4EJ)
5: Skye (A-4E)
6: Project Keiko F-14D
After the bombing of Hyakuri air base, The Anima retreated to the JS Akagi and JS Akio aircraft carriers. There they operate, recently claimed to have taken out another squadron of Intruders.

However, Project Keiko is not with the rest of the Anima. He is stationed at a classified air base with our Experimental Support Squadron similar to Mihaly's support team, Crimson Squadron. With Project Keiko being the youngest and less experienced but more valuable, sophisticated, potentially the key to ending the war, the Crimson Squadron will not hesitate to become like the father's and mother's of Keiko, and will kill anyone if they threaten him. It has been said that People who go to expose Keiko's identity, don't ever come back from their flight. The Crimson Squadron's livery is black with Crimson out lines. It's best they are avoided at all costs and that you don't try to harm Keiko. Keiko is a passive aircraft and will not engage unless threatened, then the Crimson team will show up quickly. More info on Keiko will come once his Development project is finished.

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    @Ferrolon Well that was before we met Physite. this is probably going to get updated tomorrow as well. Thank you for reminding me. I'm going to be busy

    3.8 years ago
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    11.8k Ferrolon

    "Anima is probably the only force that can stand toe-to-toe with the intruders"

    EXERO: are you sure about that

    Physite: ahem

    3.8 years ago
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    @ThomasRoderick ......Maybe ;)

    +1 3.8 years ago