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Explained: What are the Intruders.

7,943 MarbleXLazuli  3.9 years ago

Hello, wonderful people of the SP world. This is A.A.I's Founder and Former Asami Ace Pilot, Mr. Nakamura. I'm here to talk about our current Adversary, The Intruders. An alien airborne force that can outperform even our best 6th gen fighter aircraft. Thanks to their Neo-crystals (The strong glassy-like material they are made out of and that enhance all their aircraft abilities) and their two special abilities, E.P.C.M (Electronic.Perception.Counter.Measures[Renders even close quarters gun-fights and Drones pointless due to missile and human vision being electronically interfered and the drones will get controlled by the high levels of EPCM in the area]) and Hi.M.A.T (High.Mobility.Aircraft. Technology[Their ability to survive 30 to 40 G's in a turn]). They come in five variants

Controllers are little Nano-crystal sticks that are dropped from Attackers. They can take the form and control of any man-made fighter aircraft, such as the F-22 above me. They are the weakest but can be massed produced quickly. Their aircraft abilities are enhanced by 20%.

Attackers are in the natural form of an Intruder. They can perform multiple roles depending on the mission. They can only use their default weapons made by their own kind, unlike controllers who can only use the man-made weapons they get.They can be massed-produced on a weekly basis. The Attackers abilities are enhanced by 40%.

Supers are Controllers that return to the Mothership to be enhanced further. They become no longer limited by man-made weapons and are capable of using the Intruder's weapons. If not shot down after 5,000 of flight time, Controllers will go to the Motherships to be enhanced into Supers. Their aircraft abilities are enhanced by 60%.

Motherships are the flying fortresses and home bases for the Intruders. They harbor and enhance thousands of Intruder variants. They can drop thousands of bombs over large cities like Erusea and Osea, forcing them into submission. They also carry a lot of anti-air and anti-ship defenses, so an entire human fleet or squadron getting near them is a suicide mission.

Finally, we have the Aces. They are 6 Controllers that were selected to be enhanced significantly. One of the was shot down after their creation over Erusea. Their abilities are enhanced by 95%, almost impossible to kill. They can improvise their attacks depending on the opponent the are fighting. The major difference is their second form. They have the ability to have the form of a human called mental models. They're names are Twins (Mig-21 [Two-seater]), Daughter (Mig-29), Brother (Su-27), Overseer (PAK-50), and Master (Su-47).
Master is the most deadly Ace Intruder with her abilities enhanced by 110%.
Nothing can stand up to her.
That is all for the Info on the Intruders, The Info on the Anima will come out next after this.

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    @Ferrolon Looks like i got more updating to do. I might hop on discord later, i'm currently using my school computer and its not that great to discuss this on

    3.8 years ago
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    11.8k Ferrolon

    Oh yea, Keiko could have been enchanced with Aerostar (6th Ace name) crystal. It was shot down by Exero, and were crashed surprisingly intact to one of Erusea abandoned towers.

    3.8 years ago
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    @Ferrolon Actually that would make sense, that would also mean that Marble is pretty much a baby in terms of creation dates and that the sightings were fake so it does add up. Thanks

    3.8 years ago
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    11.8k Ferrolon

    Actually, i think EXERO encountered 6th Ace, while fighting against mothership in Erusea. It doesn't matter now since it got shot down anyway

    3.8 years ago