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progress update on my newest project(Y5-t34)

3,836 QuantausAviation  3.8 years ago

i give you the Y5-T34! its still a wip, as i need to add the turret(which is a t34/76 turret)and finish the hull.
features i still need to add would be the ability to swap ammo type and toggle engine mode, and working mgs.
the tank currently features an engine glow, a fully traversable turret, tank controls and realistic tank suspension, and the ability to lock the turret in place.
also has a patented blitz anti-flip system(tm) to prevent you from flipping


The y5 t34 is one of 3 tanks only available in world of tanks blitz. given out during 2019 to celebrate blitz's 5th anniversery, the y5 t34 was the "entry level vehicle" and as such was the easiest to get. they were briefly sold for gold during blitz's 6th anniversery. the tank is basically a cromwell hull with a 1940 t34/76 turret attached, and a electric/nuclear engine located in the back. in battles the engine has a distinct buzzing sound, engine glow and electric effects. there is an attachment called the nuclear reactor that makes parts of the engine light up.


the tank is supposedly called a defender( a designation of tanks with autoloaders and futuristic engines), despite it not possessing an autoloader.
it is the most common y5 tank( the y5 firefly and the y5 ELC are more rare), being the easiest vehicle to get during the event.

here's the tank for reference