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Growing Hope: A major debut

7,943 MarbleXLazuli  3.9 years ago

June 28, 2023, aboard the supercarrier IJN Akagi II, The AESA radar picked up five Intruder-controlled F-35's heading towards the carrier. Two F-14JS kai Samuraicats and the first produced Anima A.I aircraft, F-15SJ Super Eagle were scrambled to intercept the enemy planes.
Halfway to the merging point, both F-14's fired AA-5's at two lead F-35's. However do to the Intruders special countermeasure, EPCM, both missiles veered off course and exploded, missing the F-35's. The planes from both sides passed each other and the BVR engagement turned into a furball
F-14JS callsign Midnight 1 fired his guns on one F-35, setting the wing on fire.
Midnight 2 was going evasive with two Intruders on his tail. Eagle began to demonstrate his new abilities. He fired his AA-3 type 2 at a F-35. The intruder used its EPCM, but the missile continued to pursue. The evading f-35 used its second ability HIMAT (High Maneuverability Aircraft Technology) to escape. However the missile engaged its same ability and turned sharply to continue the chase, finally downing the f-35. Midnight 2 pulled a kulbit and got behind his adversary, gunning him down. The remaining Intruder F-35's turned and retreated. Eagle returned back to the carrier while Midnight Team headed for Hyakuri Air Base. The scramble may have only lasted a couple minutes, but it proved that the Anima development program was the key to defeating the Intruders.