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How it began: The first encounter

7,943 MarbleXLazuli  3.9 years ago

An A.A.I F-11A had taken off from Asami Isles Airbase and was patrolling the coast of the island. The world had fallen into submission by the Airborne Alien group known as the Intruders. The world powers were in shambles and Osea and Erusea joined up with the Intruders in desperation for power. Emmeria had fallen captive to the Intruders and all of Yuktobonia was a hot zone. Shipping lanes in the Atlantic were halted. Isles of Asami and the Pacific Ocean remained neutral and out of the fight until that day.
Mid-way into the flight The F-11 callsign Sparrow 1 detected two unknown aircraft approaching head-on. Sparrow told them to identify themselves but came no response. The unknown aircraft merged with Sparrow and he turned to re-engage them. With quick movement, the Unknown craft began pulling hyper-maneuvers and quickly got behind Sparrow. He turned and went evasive but the aggressors caught up quickly, gunning him down.

Another fighter was sent to investigate, but all that was left was the Tail of Sparrow's aircraft. The Unknown Aggressors had left the AO.

Asami was now at war with the Intruders

Sparrow 1 in the F-11A taking off from Asami Isles Airbase. He never returned