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How is quarantine for you

107 DaVinci  3.9 years ago

My quarantine is been ok just listen to music and build on simpleplanes are governor in Minnesota might make us wear Masks permanently So it doesn't spread the virus but yea i been the house most of the time and took my 3 wheeler and my atv for a ride sometimes but yea let me know what going on.

Also i had to make a new account because i had to change my username it had my name in it but yea.

DaVinci :)

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    42.8k rexzion

    pretty uneventful honestly

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    Shitty McShit. Only good things that came from quarentine were me becoming better friends with one of my classmates and my love for Underte popping back at full strength

    +1 3.9 years ago