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Funky trees help (again)

20.4k JessaLeih  3.9 years ago

I want to make a conventional rotator powered helicopter, but I need an equation that would help a propeller or jet engine counter the torque from the helicopter's main rotor by preventing unwanted changes in heading though the yaw axis, is there such a way? Coaxial configurations are getting kinda dull for me.

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    @CenturiVonKikie oh i see..., i can't really help you, im sorry if you are dissapointed

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    20.4k JessaLeih

    @WarshipDude that's genuinely a very dissatisfying answer, I want NEW ways to do these things, that's the entire point of this post, I want to take advantage of funky trees and apply them to make a helicopter (or arguably any aircraft) that works entirely differently from what I've been doing for ages and I'm tirelessly bored of. I wouldn't have made this post if I was satisfied with tipjets and torqueless rotors.

    3.9 years ago
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    @CenturiVonKikie Well exactly, you already know how it will react that you don't need to do anything other than things that you would normally do

    3.9 years ago
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    20.4k JessaLeih

    @WarshipDude I've already done this countless times, but thanks.

    3.9 years ago
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    Use free spinning rotator and tip jets, and boom, no torque (maybe a little bit, you can easily compensate for it)

    3.9 years ago