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!!!Upload reported!!!

1,069 Warwolf182  4.1 years ago

I'm sorry, I know some of you are waiting or just can't wait for the upload of the other version of the AC-130 Hercules, "SHADOW", "STINGER" Gunship, "SPECTRE" Gunship, the C-130 Hercules Tanker and the update of the AC-130 Hercules "SPOOKY" Gunship and the C-130 Hercules Cargo but, it's a lot more work than I tought, the plane are ready but not the description, I have to traduce it in English and in German cause I speek French! (CA, QC) . I know some of you will be asking "Why did you not upload it without the description?!" For the simple reason that for me, it's like a cheese-burger without cheese, IT CAN'T BE POSSIBLE! So the upload will be the nex week. Srorry again my friend. See you soon!