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I needed a break, and I'm making some changes.

69.3k MintLynx  4.2 years ago

So where have weekly posts went? Up until my Knox I pretty consistently posted every week if memory serves me well. Well while working on my latest build during the beta I hit some snags. Coupled with the effects of building WAY TOOO MUCH it kinda put me in a state where my enjoyment of this game was rather strained. Annoyance with its usual snags, wanting to play other things but continually getting hooked back in, and losing so many hours culminated together in an unhealthy amount of anger which motivated me hit the brakes hard and take a month off this game. I was getting tired of and angry at the game, and at that point I knew I needed a break badly.

Don't worry though, I'm just fine now, though I'm going to make changes regarding how I go about posts. For starters I'm ditching the weekly posts, and limiting myself to monthly posts at the quickest. The reason for this is to limit the amount of hours I'm on this game so I can enjoy other things. Don't get me wrong I do enjoy this game despite its flaws, but I also wanna do other things as well! I wanna play other games, draw, those kinds of things!

This also means I'm committing to not accepting requests much anymore, only if an idea for a build really interests me and I haven't got an idea for the month. Even if I do accept a suggested idea, I won't reply to that comment and I'll leave it up to mystery whether an idea's accepted.

I wanna keep this game from taking over my free time and keep it fresh. I won't leave this game (let alone this great community!) but I will take breaks from it (the game) more often so as to keep it enjoyable and prevent it from getting tiring. I will always be around though, commenting, replying to comments, updooting, the works. The community is a big part of why I stick with the game after all!

Overall just a post to explain a short absence, some changes, and my motivations behind them. As always I appreciate all the support you've given thus far, and I hope you'll enjoy the future builds I make even if they come out less frequently. With less frequent uploads I wanna improve, improve on visuals and details (while as always having a lower part version for the lesser devices) and even see what I can do with Funky Trees despite my mathematical weakness. For now though, I'm gonna continue with my extended break for the rest of this month. Hope you all have a good day, I'll be back to building soon enough, but not too much this time!

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    26.7k Gameboi17

    @MintLynx Yu 2

    4.2 years ago
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    69.3k MintLynx

    @Gameboi14 I wish you the best of luck!

    4.2 years ago
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    26.7k Gameboi17

    Look where all that building and posting put you at! 200 points more, and it's done, then it will be my turn. I changed my way of building, i will be making actual replicas by who knows when. I cleared up my profile to provide space for the future posts.

    4.2 years ago