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vague clickbait/ real.

19.0k Axartar  4.1 years ago

Well thanks to isolation. I'mmmmmmmmmm backkkkkkkkk



This is the result of messing with funky trees and combining a few aesthetically pleasing funky trees and some aesthetically pleasing vanity parts.
Now this is a "thing" (building suspense) . and it glows in the dark somewhat.

the "glow" is controlled by the speed. e.g (v>300) as well as the low fuel system which opens it a little more slowing it and preparing for a strike and increasing the appearance of "size from below".

It can be mounted on vehicles and when without the cockpit loses its funky tree abilities. that's just how the game works :/.

anyway. this is what you want to see
4 total crafts simultaneously attacking.

4 total crafts simultaneously attacking from a distance

single craft attacking with a flare trail

single craft attacking with a flare trail (from a distance. again)

3 attacking with flare trails (getting a bit repetitive)

a slow craft that not glow cos its slow

and now a couple of images of prototypes that are seconds from disaster


its pretty until i accelerate into the bullets

lots and lots of rogue missiles (~50) flying straight down right next to me

"your loved ones will die and sing happy birthday"
~Boris johnson