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Mech Weapons & Equipment [SURVEY]

3,126 ArcturusAerospace  4.3 years ago

Comment the number that you think is best .(coolest or most useful) in each category.
1. Flamer
2. Laser
3. Fusion Blaster (a cannon with explosive shells & extremely high velocity and fire rate)
4. Cruise Missile
5. Cyclic Ion Blaster
1. SSM (surface to surface missile) Pod
2. SAM (surface to air missile) Pod
3. Shield Generator
4. Gatling Gun (fast firing non-explosive rounds with high velocity)
5. Plasma Rifle
6. Bolter
1. Minigun
2. Grenade Launcher
3. Smoke Grenade Launcher
4. Rocket Pod (14 rockets)
5. Night Vision

I will decide on an option based on the number of votes each gets. There will be 2 heavy weapons, so the one that comes in second will be included.

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    Chest mounted weapons don't make sense, as that is where the pilot and reactor are, so there is no more space. This mech is going to be 9 to 12 feet tall when it is finished.

    4.3 years ago
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    38.6k ZetaAvalon

    How about chest mounted weapons?

    4.3 years ago
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    What do you think about this?

    4.3 years ago
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    The shoulders are already taken up by the jet pack. Having stuff being held in the hands would be cool, but they need to be empty so that the mech can pick up stuff and salute the Emperor. I'll put the stuff in the hands on the forearms, and the grenade launchers would be higher up on the body, but otherwise everything seems good.

    4.3 years ago
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    38.6k ZetaAvalon

    Right Shoulder:Laser
    Left Shoulder:Rocket Pod
    Right Wrist:Grenade Launcher
    Left Wrist:Smoke Grenade Launcher

    Left hands:shield generator
    Right hands:Fusion Blaster

    4.3 years ago
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    Sorry, forgot to add some stuff. Look at the post again, please. Just edited it in.

    4.3 years ago
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    Do you mean the mech? I play on someone else's computer, so I can't show you, but it is inspired by this.

    4.3 years ago
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    38.6k ZetaAvalon

    Good Day/Night
    I may see the Unit?
    After that I can pick on which one would suite.

    4.3 years ago