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Delayed build uploads

2,687 Reaper140  4.3 years ago

I've had several major family issues appears and would like to apologise for a long delay in promised builds. I will be working furthermore on the Gustave but don't expect it for another 2 months.

The Nightcrawler is getting a suspension update along with some motor upgrades.

The Krieger Panzer will receive a turret touch-up in the next month.

Expect an experimental motor subpart release, won't be anything too fancy but I'd love to see what you guys could do with it.

Working on a modified weapon that screws with the USS beast and it's escorts.

Experimenting with bipedal chasis

I.D.O.K. Defense is now in full swing, first expected releases are SAM turrets and Rocket Artillery.

That's about it for now, don't forget to follow and check in to see progress build uploads. Let me know what you think about the announcements I've made, response garunteed.