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First Year anniversary!

4,811 NovaTopaz  8.6 years ago

Today is the day where, one year from today, I first joined the SP website.

Back then, it was kinda quiet. It was before the game ever released. And people really liked adding to builds. One of the chains back then was 47North122West's F-22. I also partook in it, and back then, I felt like I actually belonged in the community, back before everything with points and newcomers and @#$@ happened.

Of course, everything changed once people started flooding in. For a time, I was doing really well, with massive amounts of people downloading my massive aircraft(that's how you appeased the masses back then). But then, the points system came along... I got left behind really quickly in that race, and at one point I almost gave up on SP because of it. I made some really good aircraft at one time or another, and I also loved partaking in the beta tests, which is where I really liked to do, messing around with the new parts and stuff.

Now, I've actually gotten to silver, and I seem to be doing really well compared to where I was a few months ago. I would like to thank those who supported me through all those times, and also to those who helped me when I had troubles building.

Next build... Really depends now, really. Someone requested I build a Wyvern, and I don't want to let them down, but I also have my own agenda for aircraft.

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    6,953 Wahoo12

    I'm at 9 months of SP membership. Wow, it's been a while.

    8.6 years ago
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    @NovaTopaz I agree. I like science and nath, and elecronics, but electronics I don't fully understand. I like engineering and mechanics because nearly anything that's mechanical I can figure out how it works usually within a week. (Exept for swashplayes. They have baffled me from since what a swashplate was)

    8.6 years ago
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    4,811 NovaTopaz

    @AeroEngineering Yep. Engineering is actually one of current career options I've set for myself. The other is computer programmer... I love science and math, but I can't see myself as a scientist or mathmatition. I like applying science rather than making science, and doing math problems all day would kill me in the end, morally(and I certainly wouldn't be happy, lol). I mean, engineering can be fun(in SP, engineering the aircraft can be just as much of a treat as physically flying the aircraft and doing crazy stunts), but also programming games(currently doing mobile vid game app for school electives).

    8.6 years ago
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    Yeah, I like engineering too

    8.6 years ago
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    4,811 NovaTopaz

    @AeroEngineering Of course, I did have some incentive to stay, mostly, in fact, a mod I knew was developing in SP. Simple Warships. And it just so happened I knew of it's development due to knowing the person developing it from the Battleship Craft Navies text-based roleplay I've spent over a year and a half in, to date. It's the reason I even knew of SP's existence before it released. When I saw the details on the site, I was very interested in it, because for the last few years I've been interested in building games and ones based on military things such as aircraft and battleships. Plus, I'm a sciency kind of guy, and love playing around and thinking about how it all worked. So I took up the game with enrest... only to have it not work for a month due to school restrictions, and by the time it started letting me play, 0.9.0 beta was out, and SP was nearing release. And at first, I sucked at aircraft... which is shown by the fact my first upload was a build for the ground speed challenge. I found I could make bombers fairly well, so I made a truely massive bomber... and I actually uploaded it around an hour after SP 1.0 released. Back then, large aircraft got much much much much more downloads than any other, and given my bomber was the largest uploaded aircraft at the time, it got over 2,000 in less than an hour.

    8.6 years ago
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    Imvglad to see you stayed, I've only been around for 6 months i think, and it wasdiscoraging at times with the points, but I'm glad I stayed

    8.6 years ago
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    8.6 years ago