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I need some Big Brain (SOLVED)

7,174 AquiliusEpic  4.4 years ago

As I've always sucked at maths, calculus etc. yet still strive to create some cool stuff in this game, I wanted to ask if some of you lovely peeps could lend me a few brain cells.

My goal is to create sweeping wings that automatically adjust to the current TAS (e.g. F14, MIG23, Tornado etc.)
Considering the changes in 1.9 and Funky Trees, I think this is in the realm of the possible.
For this specific example, an input of 0 would mean a straight, unswept wing. An Input of 1 (max) would make the wing sweep back the entire 55 degrees the hinge rotator should allow it. Negative input is not desired.
At Mach 1, a TAS of 343 metres per second, the degree of input should be at 0.8.
The degree of the sweep should start to increase gradually starting from 320 metres per second TAS.

If anything I said makes any sense, I would appreciate someone pointing me on the right track.
Have a great day and #StayEpic

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    860 E1

    I'm not big into XML files so this might be totally false but i bet theres some code you could write or edit in XML to link speed to degrees, if I understand correctly that's what your trying to do?

    4.4 years ago