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Imagine this...

1,588 MephilesTheDark  4.5 years ago Me262 redesigned to hold GE J79s, and not rip its wings off

kbye, dont wanna turn into he who shall not be named or you know who

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    And infact the IL-28 was a Russian copy of the skywarior and had the engines in the wing so I think you'd get something very similar to that seeing as you have to design the plane around the new engines which have greater fuel burn.

    4.5 years ago
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    As a matter of fact Douglas did build a very similar aircraft. The B-66 was a jet bomber designed similar to the ME-262 in terms of shape and a variant was powered by the CJ805-3, a Canadian built J-79.

    4.5 years ago
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    @CruzerBlade I rather GE J79 cause F4 Phantom

    4.5 years ago
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    13.0k CruzerBlade

    Why not just straight up PW JT8D
    Or even more cursed, CFM LEAP

    4.5 years ago