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A little of what I've been doing recently

41.4k MrVaultech  4.7 years ago

So, I've been building a lot of stuff as of recent.
Some really neat stuff, as noted with that sudden explosion of little 1940's tanks I had a few days ago (like geez, I built all of those in a 24 hour period). Those are my favorites, up until now that is.
Aside from building a number of successors to that series of tanks (going all the way into what's become a Pz IV), and working on a biplane with some good detail, I've finally figured ships!
It started off with a CL;

not the finished design, don't have any pics with it's turrets apparently

Then it moved into turning the CL hull into a small carrier;

also not the most recent version

Then I moved to a DD;

I followed up with a DE;

And to cap it off, the pride of this new navy of WW2 ships...
a BB

Now, none of them are terribly detailed, but they can move under their own power and move their turrets.
I'm mostly curious if anyone would be interested in me uploading the mostly-detailless but very mobile-firendly warships alongside the other tanks and planes I've built/am building?

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    Nothing but gold and platinum in the mix. How about a little silver in the alloy?

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    41.4k MrVaultech

    I've taken note if what you did with your carrier and disabled drag calculations. Only thing that has drag on any of the ships are their (single VTOL) engines and rudders.

    4.7 years ago