51.4k ZeroWithSlashedO Comments

  • Do wheels brake by default? Any way to override this? 10 months ago

    nop, tires are not braking by default (though I wish there was an option to activate that in game, aside from using a switch that has the input of "Brake")
    try using overload and putting the value of "brakeTorque" to 0

  • A (not so) simple guide to the future of SimplePlanes 10 months ago

    oh no
    looks like @DeezDucks has dissapeared due to his ill intent of leaking classified documents

  • Grimace Shake 11 months ago

    I don't get the whole point of this drink, it kills people apparently?

    eh might as well try it out just to see if it's real or not

    He was never to be heard again.

  • FPV Drone (Kamikaze modification) 11 months ago

    absolutely no fucking way

  • Sukhoi Su-57 Felon 11 months ago


    bottom text.

  • Projects Sitrep 04/16/2023 1.2 years ago

    babe wake up
    reinmcdeer just posted a teaser

  • Imagine this at a funeral 1.3 years ago


  • The logic behind upvotes on the site 1.3 years ago

    if you're aiming for that upvote points, just don't

    you're essentially going to be losing what potential you have in you, by limiting the fact that you just want upvotes

    people with an aim of getting upvotes usually when they don't get enough upvotes, they'll try to cope and seethe by complaining about why does this other dude seem to do better when he has practically the same quality build as you do
    and soon enough, they'll lose motivation and interest in building because they won't get enough stupid internet points, and essentially be depressed

    so my advice, just don't
    as Korzalerke said, you'll enjoy the game more because you enjoy building, pushing yourself to the limit instead of... whatever you're trying to do with those stupid and useless internet points

  • Rlly? 1.3 years ago


    "If you are continually telling people their airplanes suck, then maybe you suck."
    - SimplePlanes Rule: Be Kind, #2.

  • What happens if SP still support mods on ios and android? 1.5 years ago

    honestly not much
    mods on mobile couldn't support as much "power" as mods on PC/Steam, because it's a much weaker device
    yes, some custom maps would be able to be installed and used on mobile, but even maps could be too much for mobile devices

  • What do you hate doing on simple planes? 1.9 years ago

    figuring out ft

  • Suggestion for an Update to the game (Some More Modular Features) 2.0 years ago

    Added suggestion and opinions personally from me:

    • Avionics:
    • IR Missile:

      • Opinion:

        I'm glad that I wasn't the only one hoping for a Fox 2.

      • Added Suggestion(s):

        • The ability to be rear aspect or all aspect. Rear aspect will always target the enemy's engines' position.

        • The ability to be completely invisible to the HUD and the Radar. Kinda like how the missile works right now, but it doesn't make any warning tones.

    • Missile reworks:

      • Opinion:

        Personally, I feel like it doesn't need that much of a rework. The XML editing is already quite simple enough. If anything, I just want a little behaviour tweak.

      • Added Suggestion(s):

        • TWS Mode for Fox 3s.

        • Limited fuel, would still track after running out.

        • Laser guided weaponry.

        • Proxy Detonation as default for AtA missiles.

    • RWR:

      • Opinion:

        RWR is a great suggestion, if I'm being honest. Generally increase situational awareness.

      • Added Suggestion(s):

        • Able to track a missile's position.

    • Radar part:

      • Opinion:

        Radar increases the immersion of the game. Even a simple radar like the Ace Combat style Radar would be very nice. Problem with Radar displays with text is that the targets needs to be selected first, then you can see where they are.

      • Added Suggestion(s):


    • HUD:

      • Opinion:
        We kinda don't need a separate part for HUD. PlanariaLab already made a working 1 part HUD. But when you really think about it, the non-ft users will have a hard time navigating the HUD, let alone editing it.
      • Added Suggestion(s):

    • Misc:

    • Hollow Nose Cone:

      • Opinion:

        Would be nice if the nose cone doesn't act like the way it is... I think they should redo the Rise and Run model for the nose cone first. It looks weird.

    • Fuselage Wings:

      • Opinion:

        No objections, I fully agree with this.

    • Sound Redesign:

      • Opinion:

        Yes please!

      • Added Suggestion(s):

      • Sonic Booms. It gets kinda boring when you hear a missile/aircraft fly by at Mach 1 and all you hear is the rocket booster/jet engine noise for 0.4 seconds.

    • UI changes:

      • Opinion:

        The UI is as good as it is, to be honest. I don't feel the need to change it.

    • New locations:

      • Opinion:

        Yes please! It feels as if there's 0% activities on these islands.

  • F-14 Tomcat VFA-41 Black Aces (1991) Special Platinum 2.0 years ago


  • I went stalking the SR2 website 2.1 years ago

    yeagh, sr2 community is pretty small
    might consider joining sr2 just to make planes
    I have enough to buy one from the store, dunno when am I going to buy it though

  • Mobile fuselage cutting when? 2.1 years ago


    ok but fr is this a joke or na?

  • Ghost of kiyv but it's SU-47 2.1 years ago

    laughs in the fact that there is only one Су-47 Беркут ever produced
    great effort nonetheless

  • Thrust Vectoring Engine 2.1 years ago

    I mean... It's SP, what do you think people gonna do? Not reverse engineer this thing? No way in hell.

  • need help to build custom HUD 2.1 years ago

    more often than not, you kinda have to figure it out yourselves
    because in this website, there are either:

    • xml experts that basically just speaks in another language if you just learned about xml
    • noobs who doesn't know xml existed
    • people who casually steals codes without trying to learn them

    though, this might help, and this

  • Okay. Genuine question. 2.1 years ago

    yep and ngl I also want sr2

  • Mods don't have a Android download button. 2.2 years ago

    no. It's a feature since 1.9.
    Read the 1.9 patch notes.

    And by since 1.9, I mean since like a week or 2 ago. Because since 1.9, android mod support is disabled.

    Now, I know what you're thinking. Why? Because they had no options, blame Google, not Jundroo.

  • How do I make a button that makes weapons respawn 2.2 years ago

    Very interesting question.
    You really can't.

    "This ain't Ace Combat, kid!"

  • Fighter Interceptor Challenge 2.2 years ago

    ok the mach 2.8 kinda does point that he wants a MiG, and @ValkyrieXB71, I suggest you change that to mach 1.6

  • AF-55B 'Adelaide' (39 Parts) 2.2 years ago

    definition of 144p

  • R.I.P An-225 Mriya 2.3 years ago

    For the An-225, There is still some hope of it being revived.
    For the Ukraine-Russia war thing, I really hope it doesn't get worse and escalate to WWIII.

  • An Unconventional Tractor [Teaser] 2.3 years ago

    congrats! You've received an upgrade: Gun!
    Now you will earn crops 8x more!

  • WHICH MOD DID IT??? 2.3 years ago

    Because... It has gone too far?
    Honestly, they have the rights and I don't really care about it.

  • Query 2.3 years ago

    Ok, this is quite interesting.
    Time for your first requested aircraft program.
    I'll call the program: "Advanced LightWeight Fighter", or "ALWF" program.
    Just as the name stated, make a lightweight fighter. The program must have advanced avionics, weaponry, thrust vector engine, and stealth (optional).
    Good luck!

  • Today’s My Brithday !!! 2.3 years ago

    Happy Birthday!
    And what better way to celebrate a Birthday other than running from the mods.

    Now go run or the mods will Zandatsu your ass

  • You know some combustion would be nice 2.3 years ago

    I honestly don't mind about this too much
    What I mind about though is the duration of the fire, it's short as hell and it's less satisfying, there's like no feeling to "Goddamn, that burned alot of fuel", and there's this sense to it that it has an automatic fire extinguisher, which is just kind of a bs tbh
    It's fine on airline engines, but not like every other parts

  • Did it end? :( 2.4 years ago

    Also can you please make a mobile version of this?

  • Canopy opening direction 2.4 years ago

    Then again, they could just make one themselves.

  • Simpleplanes is dumb and gay 2.4 years ago

    Yeah, like your life.

  • :( 2.4 years ago

    Honestly, I agree with @BeastHunter. Why waste your account just because your phone broke? Besides, phones are replaceable anyway, unlike your life. Your progress are lost? Learn from mistakes, back up your creation next time. Don't take regrets first, take the lessons first.

  • How do I prevent lag with part counts 306 2.4 years ago

    There are 3 ways of doing this, from hard, to easy.
    1. Let's start with the Hardest. Delete all high performance cost parts carefully. Do not delete the important ones (excluding texts). You can see how much a part costs in the aircraft info ("i" button on the designer menu).
    2. This next one is medium. If you're pretty rich, this should be no problem. But I'd like to think otherwise. Get a much better device. Aircrafts will cause more lag the more parts it has due to all the calculations.
    3. This is the easiest way. Tune all of your graphics down to the lowest available graphics. especially physics. Higher physics will cause more lag due to again, calculations.

    If option 1 and option 3 didn't work, and you're too poor to get a new device, I suggest not flying it.

  • How to do PSM 2.5 years ago

    This is good, but not good enough.
    In order to make an aircraft Supermaneuverable at least in SP is get an all moving elevator that can deflect to maybe 30°, and put the CoM slightly infront of the CoL. Get slow, and you should be able to do it. Although this has one problem. Stability. It's going to be super unstable, so I recommend making a simple, yet effective G-limiter. It's actually pretty simple. If you want it to have a maximum deflection angle of 30°, get 2 rotators, put the first rotator on 15°, same goes for the second, but put it on an activation group. Put them together, and boom, done.
    Thrust vector has a goal of making the aircraft generally more stable and agile. Common user of the thrust vectoringtechnology is Russia with it's Su-27 successors and it's Su-57. It's also used by the F-22 Raptor and Harrier jets.
    There are 3 types of thrust vectoring. VTOL, 2D, and 3D.
    VTOL TVCs are Thrust Vectoring that are used by VTOL aircrafts, like the Harrier, and the F-35. This kind of thrust vectoring allows an aircraft to do what's knows as VIFF.
    2D TVC are thrust vectoring that can move vertically. Usually the inputs for these thrust vectoring are Roll and Pitch. Such aircraft featuring 2D TVC is Su-37, F-15S/MTD, and the F-22 (note that the F-22 only has pitch for it's TVC input).
    3D TVC is a thrust vectoring that can move both vertically and horizontally. Meaning that it can move in all directions (roll, yaw, and pitch). Such aircraft featuring 3D TVC are Su-35S, Su-57, and Su-30SM.
    To learn more about TVC, click here

  • Is SP on Steam worth it? 7 months ago

    abso fucking lutely

  • Majora's mask moon 7 months ago

    3 words

    do it yourself

  • important PSA: Images hosted on Discord may disappear at the end of the year 8 months ago


    Sometimes you gotta wonder why these changes are a thing

  • F-100F Super Sabre 9 months ago

    not many people make the super sabre

  • Quick irl story 10 months ago

    skill issue

  • "???" 10 months ago

    my lawyers advised me to not finish this comment

  • Quick irl story 10 months ago

    will never happen to me cause


  • IM STARTING TO GET TIRED 10 months ago

    Maybe try and make one yourself, instead of complaining.

    This game isn't built around realism. Hence why the lack of realistic physics and material.
    Asking and expecting people to make "realistic" creations in this game is like hiring a person who only does shit with Legos for Lockheed Martin Skunk Works. It's not impossible for said person to pull it off, but said person would really, extremely struggle to pull it off.

  • An important announcement regarding curation. 11 months ago

    all I can say is
    good luck.

  • My Real Identity 11 months ago

    despite what it is Random is actually a unique nickname lol

  • Sacabambaspis 11 months ago

    le fishe
    god, Japanese trends can be weird sometimes lmao
    I have been seeing alot of these things in my twitter feed and Idfk why it can be that popular

  • T-03 "Dorito" 11 months ago

    understandable have a great day

  • back from the dead 11 months ago


    I will kill you. This is a (satirical) threat.

  • I'm back after more than four months of hiatus one year ago

    hi yes hello welcome unknown person
