67.0k ZerkkOtakuGuy

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joined 1.3 years ago

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Player Biography  

I'm a South East Asian.
Currently 19 (I ended up my school when 18)
Kinda like weird things
My fav is Md-11, F-2, L-1011 and A350.
I also like car or something.

Uhh about my build?
I make a lot weird things in my SP, but I'm only post a airliner (both fictional and replica), I also post that (weird things) when bored enough but in my alt acc (link below). Also don't expect to see details, because I'm a simple builder.

Mod for Android
Alt acc
Juno acc (Dead)
My YouTube chan (Dead)

Forgotten link 1
Forgotten link 2
Forgotten link 3

My server (dead)

Reached platinum in Oct 2023.
Reached 66.6k in 07.00 a.m, 30 July 2024

Previously known as ZxeAviWeebzz, ZxeOtakuAviation, ZerkkZxeSP, ImZerkkZxe, ZerkkTheSimper, ZerkkZxe, ZerkkFujimi, ZerkkZxe, ZerkkOtakuGuy, TypicalFictionalZ